2008 NBA Draft Thread

Discussion in 'Basketball Talk' started by suedon70, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    Yea i dont want him with the nets either as a sixer fan lol. And i would like to see him stay with the cavs.
  2. Inclulbus

    Inclulbus WE ARE! .. Marshall!

    Milwaukee got a lot better today. Richard Jefferson and Joe Alexander. And the Raptors got one of the best 4-5 positions there is now, Chris Bosh and Jermaine O'Neal. that's sick crap.
  3. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    yea when i saw that trade i was like heck that is a terrifying duo if O'Neil can stay healthy
  4. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    Almost the sixers pick at 16.

    We got a big man just like i wanted 6 10 250 pounds.
  5. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    cavs are coming up
  6. Garnett

    Garnett Gritt Tuff

    I'm very happy my Bulls got Rose. I hope he hustles his butt of to become great.
  7. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    pick is in and it is J.J. Hickson from NC State
  8. Garnett

    Garnett Gritt Tuff

    Charlotte's pick should be interesting. I wonder where they go.
  9. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    some france center never heard of him

    dude looks like a freaking stick
  10. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    I loved how the knick fans booed the italian dude.
  11. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    doesn't surprise me i don't think he will be crap another darko
  12. mike oxlong

    mike oxlong The Voice Of Reason

    Who did the sixers get?
  13. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    6 10 250 pound foward mareesee speights

    We finally got someone that could be good in the post.
  14. Brooklyn

    Brooklyn AKEKEKEKEKE!!!

  15. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    The knick fans there booed the crap out of him. I think they should give him a chance.
  16. Crunkbuc4d1

    Crunkbuc4d1 Sweets' Man Slave

    I went to bed thinking Memphis would be promoting Gay-Love, but woke up with Mayo as a Grizzly.
  17. Inclulbus

    Inclulbus WE ARE! .. Marshall!

    YES !! THE ONE PICK WE HAVE AND LAKERS TAKE MY U.K. BOY JOE CRAWFORD !! I know it's not that big of a deal, but I've never had a favorite college player, playin for one of my teams.. and it is a big deal with them U.K Boys, look as Rajon Rondo. He's a NBA Champ now. :icon_cool:
  18. Crunkbuc4d1

    Crunkbuc4d1 Sweets' Man Slave

  19. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    they got that crap made quick
  20. Crunkbuc4d1

    Crunkbuc4d1 Sweets' Man Slave

    naw, I got it from the official Grizz board. one of the posters did it.