Did Jets Target Falcons RB Michael Turner's Ankle?

Discussion in 'Atlanta Falcons' started by SRW, Dec 20, 2009.

  1. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    Falcons running back Michael Turner was knocked out the game again Sunday, after taking another shot to his the same injured right ankle. Later, he was not sure the event was a coincidence. "I'm not in their minds so I'm not going to say what they are trying to do," Turner said. "That's what it looks like, but I've got to expect it. I was just hoping that my ankle was strong enough to take it." The Falcons were hoping to lean on him against the Jets because the swirling winds at Giants Stadium made passing difficult. "I tried to go, but I just got hit on it again," Turner said. "It's just a part of the game."

    Atlanta Journal Constitution
  2. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    The Jets are scumbags so it wouldn't shock me at all.
  3. Evaporator

    Evaporator Rookie

    come on man

    it's whiners like turner that give players a bad name he should not have been playing in the first place and to accuse another team of that is cat like tactic .:icon_sad::boohoo:
  4. AtlantaBlazer

    AtlantaBlazer Knuckles The Echidna's Brother

    They may have done it. Turner hasn't been known to whine, so I don't know about that comment.
  5. orpheous

    orpheous T.P.A Falcon

    turner has never called anyone out, so why would you say whiners like turner?????? oh i see that is your first post lol you have alot to learn young man!
  6. Three7s

    Three7s 1st Stringer

    That's kind of off. :icon_rolleyes:
  7. Evaporator

    Evaporator Rookie

    i would agree but the fact is football is a rough sport and injuries happen if he was not 100 % or even 80 % he should have been on the bench so he could healthy but to accuse a defense of dirty play with no proof seems like whining to me ! just my opinion for what ever its worth
  8. markaz

    markaz Resident Cards Fan Staff Member

    Turner didn't snitch, he stated fact: "I'm not in their minds so I'm not going to say what they are trying to do," Turner said. "That's what it looks like, but I've got to expect it. I was just hoping that my ankle was strong enough to take it." It's well known that defenses will target an injury. If a QB has a bad hip or a RB has bad ribs, they've got targets on 'em. Turner acknowledged that his ankle was a target and that he expected it. Not even close to whining.
  9. Evaporator

    Evaporator Rookie

    and that is part of the game so why say anything