When you reach the age of 21 you start to think of drinking games. There are many games, but the most popular is Kings Cup. This game has several other names the Circle of Death or The Ring of Fire. No matter is what is called the kings cup rules are the same for all the games.
Rules of Kings Cup
In order to play Kings Cup, you need a pint glass, a group of your friends, and a deck of cards. The cards are put around the glass and each player draws a card from it. Each card represents a certain action that must be acted out by the player that draws the card. The rules are changed each game by the group. A card with a 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 all involves just drinking. A card with a 5 on it requires more thought. The person that pulls the 5 must say a phrase; each player adds a new phrase that rhymes to the original phrase. When someone messes up the rhyme they have to drink the alcohol. When a person draws a 7, they are called the thumb master.
This means they have to place their thumb on the table and everyone does it too. The last person to put their thumb on the table must drink the alcohol. When someone draws the 9, they have to pick a category and each player must name something from that category. The first person to mess up will have to drink the alcohol. If a person draws a 10, they will have to draw another card. When someone draws the Jack, they make a rule that the other players must follow for the rest of the game.
When someone draws the queen, they ask another player a question. The other player doesn’t have to answer to the question they have to ask someone else a question. The first person who messes up the flow will have to drink. When the King is drawn, the player puts some of their drink into the glass in the middle of the table. The last person to draw a King drinks the alcohol in the glass in the middle. When the Ace is drawn, the players start drinking their drink. When they stop the rest of the players can stop as the person in front of them stops drinking. As we get older we look for new adult games to play. The only thing to keep in mind when you start your drinking games is to play responsibly. The best thing about getting older is that you can still play with your friends; the games just get more grown up.