New Profile Posts

  1. Tarkus
    Tarkus themush
    Good to see ya, Horseman... :drinks:
  2. SRW
    SRW vikesgirl
    Welcome back to the site after a long absence!
  3. Tarkus
  4. Tarkus
    Tarkus SRW
  5. TJ
    TJ Fez
    Fez pls
  6. SRW
    SRW mcoomer146
    I removed you from my friend list, this way you won't get notifications when I invite people to threads on the site.
  7. mcoomer146
    mcoomer146 SRW
    Yo bro, no offense but how do I get off the tag list. It's killing me.
  8. kef17
  9. DontKnowMe
  10. DontKnowMe
  11. Walnuts
    Walnuts Omen
    I don't know why, but your @ tag isn't working, so here is your notification. Please go vote in the $$ league poll when you get a chance.
  12. DaBears22
  13. buccaneersonnie
    buccaneersonnie SRW
    Hi steve i have a message from blog talk radio you might want to keep in mind. "Hello Everyone! Revenue Sharing for March, due to be paid in May has been processed. We apologize for the delay that occurred due to the third party advertising server having issues being able to deliver the reporting. April's earnings due in June will be processed by June 30, 2013. Thanks for your patience with the May delay. Have a great weekend! ~The BlogTalkRadio Team"
  14. Sweets
    Sweets saintskickass
    talk to SRW about it...he's at work and won't be answering you until after 6pm or so Calif time.
  15. buccaneersonnie
    buccaneersonnie SRW
    Hey Steve i just want to let you know that you should probably let me give you my blogtalkradio account info so you can go and pay for it? Can you do that?
  16. buccaneersonnie
    buccaneersonnie SRW
    Hey Steve just wanted to let you know that sometimes my computer is a little slow and sometimes acts up. so when we do the show if i'm late or i lose my connection don't get mad at me. thanks pal.
  17. Walnuts
    Walnuts I Was Alien
    You are the marlboro man
  18. buccaneersonnie
    buccaneersonnie SRW
    Steve get back with me. Changes of planes. i like to start the show tomorrow night? If we can.
  19. buccaneersonnie
    buccaneersonnie SRW
    Hi Steve here's another show you would also like. The Partly Sonnie Cruz Radio Show 08/27 by Partly Sonnie | Blog Talk Radio
  20. buccaneersonnie
    buccaneersonnie SRW
    Hi Steve here's a show from season 1 of last year. We had a great guest on with us. enjoy. The Partly Sonnie Cruz Radio Show With Cobweb and JR 08/29 by Partly Sonnie | Blog Talk Radio