Eagles Vs Raiders

Discussion in 'NFL Gameday' started by ollysj, Oct 14, 2009.


Who will win this game?

Poll closed Oct 18, 2009.
  1. Eagles

  2. Raiders

  1. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    The Oakland Raiders host the Philadelphia Eagles at Oakland Coliseum on Sunday 10/18/09. Kickoff time is 4:05 pm EST.


  2. Tarkus

    Tarkus The Thread Stalker

    Easy scrimmage for the Eagles...
  3. Inclulbus

    Inclulbus WE ARE! .. Marshall!

    DA RAAAAAIIIIDDDAAA----- I Lie. Eagles 56, Raiders 6.
  4. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Eagles will win this scrimmage.

    38-10 Phi
  5. SweetShot03

    SweetShot03 Fuck stupid people

    Eagles definatly...... it would be nice to see them rest Westbrook and play McCoy a lot more get him more experiance. They dont need Westbrook in there to win.
  6. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    Eagles but im not saying its a scrimmage every team has its day.
  7. Inclulbus

    Inclulbus WE ARE! .. Marshall!

    yepp, oakland's day was when it played KC... lmao
  8. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    Well look at KC taking the cowboys to overtime nobody would have predicted that. Its the nfl anything can happen.
  9. Flacco2MasonTD

    Flacco2MasonTD ಠ_ಠ

    Eagles 246-5
  10. SweetShot03

    SweetShot03 Fuck stupid people

    anything can happen int he NFL but I dont think the Raiders can do anything that would cause the Eagles to stumble and lose control....

    **********Automerged Doublepost**********

    even though flacco has a ridiculous out come, I love how he gave the raiders 5 which would mean the Raiders got a safty on the eagles lol.
  11. SoDev

    SoDev Don't tase me, bro!

    Baskett making sure to cover his butt. :wink:
  12. mike oxlong

    mike oxlong The Voice Of Reason

    it's just the Philly belief that if you say it will happen, then it won't.
  13. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

  14. DaBearsrule4ever

    DaBearsrule4ever Hall Of Famer

    LMAO! Thats what I was just about to say.

    The Eagles could probably but all their backups in and still win this game.
  15. SpankyNoodle

    SpankyNoodle Can't Spank the Spank

  16. SoDev

    SoDev Don't tase me, bro!

    Eagles, easy.
  17. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    Eagles will run over the helpless Raiders
  18. 86WARD

    86WARD -

  19. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    Jesus our oline gives up 2 sacks already
  20. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    JaMarcus...lol...thanks Louis.