A Bay Area pit bull advocacy group says Michael Vick has declined an invitation to visit eight of his former dogs this weekend when the Philadelphia Eagles are in town to play the Oakland Raiders. The group BAD RAP (Bay Area Doglovers Responsible About Pitbulls) told The Associated Press on Wednesday that it extended the invitation through the Eagles to Vick last week to view his former dogs that were part of the dog fighting operation at Bad Newz Kennels in southeastern Virginia. BAD RAP co-founder Tim Racer said the group picked a location that would have allowed Vick to view the dogs from behind a window at a distance that satisfied the conditions of his parole that bar him from being near animals but the Eagles informed him Wednesday that Vick would decline the offer. Source: Yahoo Sports
True. Could be reminiscent of that one Silence of the Lambs sequel where the hogs were programmed to murder when music was played. :icon_confused:
That would be pretty awkward. This part made me smile. I didn't know that kind of thing existed for animals too.
How did I miss this?He obviously didn't care for animals so that would be like me visiting a bag of potatoes.
Maybe they suggested him to meet with the dogs inside a cage...... I'm starting to like this idea :icon_cheesygrin:
He's probably afraid thay'll attack him after finding out how decent humans treat dogs. Or maybe after that handoff fumble last night he might go home and beat his dog.:icon_eek: