So Darren Howard gets an unnecessary roughness penalty which eliminates even a punt return possibility. Screw that butthole.
Not mad at any of the defensive players they have up only 13 points the offense crap the bed and mostly because mcnabb dident have time.
I dont think so this is the nfl any team can lose to any team. One little positive right now is the cowboys are 3-2 and giants lost and the skins lost so we dont fall behind much. **********Automerged Doublepost********** I know im not gonna make an excuse for it
Oh God BITB, whatever dude, a loss is a loss in a game you guys should have won don't reference other teams to make it not hurt so bad.
Dont tell me what to do im supposed to look at the positve. Were we supposed to win yes but we dident. This isnt the first time and wont be the last in the nfl it happens.
Today I was on an Eagles fan shoes. I picked them in the suicide league, and they let me down. Never been happier for being eliminated from a suicide league, but still :icon_cheesygrin: Nov. 8th can't get here soon enough.
I cant wait for that game either **********Automerged Doublepost********** Where was mike vick lol not like it would matter just wondering where he was. Did the raiders fans outside try to kill him or something.
just stooping to their level. it's def not worth it.. only person that can blow balls right now is phiglesphan.. and all im saying there, is eat your words. only one loser at the end of this.
Embarrassed...yes. Embarrassment to the league...I think that still goes to the Redskins or