Mark Sanchez Sorry He Ate A Hot Dog During Raiders Game

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by SRW, Oct 25, 2009.

  1. RichLikeWh0a

    RichLikeWh0a Hermhater = Nemesis

    I see what you did there.
  2. SweetShot03

    SweetShot03 Fuck stupid people

    I dont think you did......
  3. BoltzRule

    BoltzRule Fans refugee

    Russell was probably pissed that Sanchez didn't offer him one.
  4. lionheart?

    lionheart? StafFORD=Franchise

    I dont understand why this is a big deal. Oh yeah its the NFL.
  5. SweetShot03

    SweetShot03 Fuck stupid people

    the people watching are shocked, for so long it was thought that NFL players ate power bars and protien shakes.... but they eat hot dogs..... the world will be in an uproar over this.....

    **********Automerged Doublepost**********

    Actually I think it was Cable who was more pissed... he looks like hes a hot dog eating expert and wanted to show sanchez how it is done.
  6. 86WARD

    86WARD -

  7. DaBearsrule4ever

    DaBearsrule4ever Hall Of Famer

  8. DoubleC

    DoubleC i'm ready now...

    What would have been funny is if Sanchez ate the hotdog while on the field.

    Other than that, who heckin' cares??
  9. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    man i wouldnt have said sorry
  10. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    He should have ate it during a play lol that would be great on sports center
  11. markaz

    markaz Resident Cards Fan Staff Member

    Exactly. What was he apologizing for?
  12. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    At least he wasn't eating a teammate's hot dog.
  13. RichLikeWh0a

    RichLikeWh0a Hermhater = Nemesis

    I think he was only apologizing because he's a rookie, and has no balls with the media yet, would be my guess. He doesn't want to look like an butthole. Now, if it were say... Philip Rivers in this position..
  14. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    I'm gonna tell you, what the point of this hole story is. With a name like Sanchez, he has to eat burritos.
    1 person likes this.
  15. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    I love a good beaner joke.

    You must spread rep.
  16. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    man, this guy is such a dirty sanchez.
  17. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

  18. Saintsfan1972

    Saintsfan1972 BREESUS SAVES


    Jets Fans Sorry They Ate The Sanchez Cheese
  19. TDJets72027

    TDJets72027 Rex Ryan baby

  20. The Manster

    The Manster 1st Stringer

    I hate to tell you guys but Sanchez is a dumbass for doing this. It not only hurts him but it could hurt the team as well. He could very easy be suspended for four or more games this season because of this. Just think about it he ate a hot dog if he is called in for a random test Monday there is no telling what he is going to show up positive for.