Baltimore Ravens star linebacker Ray Lewis was spotted doing tequila shots in a private suite at Land Shark Stadium last weekend, I guess he couldn't bear watching his alma mater, the University of Miami, lose to Clemson. But then some skinny knucklehead in the suite found nothing better to do than taunt Lewis. "What's with you?" the unconscious (and drunk) fan asked. "Are you a cat or something?" Lewis, who's 250 pounds and once was believed to have killed someone (he pleaded guilty to a lesser charge), looked at the dude in the eyes and told him: "And you're a real funny guy!" Believe it or not, Lewis walked away. No one was hurt. - Source: Palm Beach Post
hahahaha. "are you a cat or something?" hahahaha. that dude wanted RayRay to kick his butt so he could get rich ....................... hahahaha.
The dude had to be drunk, no one in their right mind would say something like that to Lewis, or anyone that looked like Lewis, at least someone (Ray) let his mind control the situation. I would have thrown him off the balcony and lost my mind, but I have road rage. :icon_redface:
i would most definitely say something like that to lewis with the hopes that he kicks the crap out of me for a large profit. he might kill me but thats a chance im willing to take.
That dude actually is a real funny guy. What a piece of work this Ray Lewis is...always a