Packers 86WARD, codatious99, cris80, Crowned, DaBearsrule4ever, hermhater, Inclulbus, leeman, Matt314hew, mj1987us26, mmehring, ollysj, ravenfan52, SpankyNoodle, Tarkus 15 93.75% Buccaneers themush 1 6.25% Just sayin'....
You do it every week Mush, just cause you get it right 1 week you don't have to rub it in. :icon_cry:
Mush, pick them every week and EVENTUALLY you have to be right. :icon_cheesygrin: **********Automerged Doublepost********** Wow, packers and bears both lose when Vikings are on the bye week.
[ame=]YouTube - Hey Hey Tampa Bay -- 1979 Bucs Fight Song[/ame]
Saintsfan1972 500 15/4 (3.75) 1875 hermhater 200 15/4 (3.75) 750 BU54 10 15/4 (3.75) 37 Just sayin'...
lol! Olly, if anything, I have to give you major props for having a good sense of humor and not taking things too seriously.