Bills Could Be Interested In Notre Dame Coach Charlie Weis?

Discussion in 'Buffalo Bills' started by SRW, Nov 22, 2009.

  1. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    Chris Mortensen of ESPN reports Charlie Weis may not stay in Notre Dame for much longer, and the Bills may be looking to hire him. He was a finalist for the job when the Bills hired Mike Mularkey and could be a candidate again. From 1997 to 2004, he was an NFL offensive coordinator for the New York Jets, and later for the New England Patriots.

  2. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    weiss will be fired soon, it will be interesting cause he knows all about the patriots and worked with belichick for years. and he could draft clausen with that top 5 pick
  3. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Would he draft Jimmy Clausen?
  4. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    clausen may be in the fight for top QB this year....imo hes not the prospect quinn was, but hes every bit as good as sanchez was last year and with questions surrounding bradford he may be the guy, ezpecially over tebow, mccoy, pike and locker
  5. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    i will go ahead and take care of this for all of the Bills fans .................

  6. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe Life to Infidels

    Claussen is physically a far supirior prspect to Quinn. He isnt nearly as refined as Quinn was coming out

    Theoreticly, If Im draft a QB and Quinn and Claussen are there, I take Claussen
  7. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    Well one thing is for sure ND isn't interested in him any longer.

    TOP DAWG Pro Bowler

    Weis could do better at the PRO level, and might be a good choice for Buffalo. At the College level recruiting comes heavily into the picture, and he won't have to worry about that.
  9. MediaGuy

    MediaGuy Ball So Hard University

    Headline: Bills Fire Losing Coach To Hire Losing Coach.

    Ravens just did it with their kicker. Just saying.
  10. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    really really disagree with this, and we usually dont. Quinn was a great pro prospect imo, he went to an awful situation and has only played in a grand total of 9 games now with 7 starts in a dismal offense. he was up in the manning(s), roethlisberger, rivers, ect as a pro prospect. Last year quinn would have gone before stafford and sanchez easily.

    clausen is a decent prospect but not the one quinn was imo. you give quinn a floyd, a tate, a allen and half a defense and he would have done much better.

    do you think clausen comes out this year?

    ive always thought weis was a better recruiter than coach....he scouted for parcells and belichick for a long time, and hes got some talent in ND
  11. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe Life to Infidels

    Quinn had crazy weapons too. None we pro star guys, but Stovall, Mcknight, Samardja, Walker, Fasano, and Carlson, were playmakers on the college level.

    Quinn is the better QB, but in terms of tools, Claussen is far better. Has a better arm and can make more throw's, his biggest thing as a passer right now is that his accuracy isnt as consistitant as it should be.

    IMO they are both two different prototypes. Quinn is more the Brady/Manning passer. A QB who has the physical tool's not quite elite tools, but good, but has the ability to play within a system and read defences. Claussen is more in the Farve/Cutler mold. Off the chart physical tools, but a "fly or die" gambler. Hard guys to compare really, in terms of both value and draft stock. I view Claussen as part Cutler, part Romo

    **********Automerged Doublepost**********

    As far as will Claussen come out. It all depends on what happens with Weis. I think its a lock either way
  12. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    weis sucks. crennell sucks. mangini sucks. how many utter failures need to come out of the belichick regime before we give up? there was some hope that mcdaniels may have been the exception but now he's coming back to earth.
  13. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    ok....fair enough, i like that assessment.
  14. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe Life to Infidels

    I think its one of those things niether of us is right or wrong. It's all in what you want (like the McDanials/Cutler fiasco)
  15. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    clausen wasnt even on my radar (or anyones for that matter) as a good pro prospect before this season....hes been great even though ND has steeler disease in that they play down to their opponents, but always provide a quality game to watch.

    he looks like hes bulked up quite a bit and has poise he didnt show his first 2 years.

    i still say floyd/tate>>>>>anything quinn ever had cause i LOVE those 2 guys as pro prospects
  16. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe Life to Infidels

    Floyd and Tate are wayyyyyy better pro prospects than Samrdja/McKnight. We are gonna lose Tate this year, but I honestly think that because Julio Jones and Green are mortal locks to go ahead of him Floyd may play a full 4 just because he has very little chance of being a top 5 pick in a draft with those two. Which I think is also why Tate will jump

    Claussens soph year wasnt bad, but very Eli Manning like. Keep in mind he was hurt too. In consistant. I think what alot of people forget about him is that he got cursed with a team that was essentially all first year guys at the skill spots and OL, many of them true freshmen
  17. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    yeah, i agree with all that.

    the thing with quinn was he was this big stud running the show without alot of quality help, especially on defense since they allowed russell to look like an all time great and go ahead of quinn essentially ruining his pro career (browns). the irish d isnt great by any means but its better and the guys surrounding clausen are borderlining on great imo.

    i like clausen, so dont get me i said i think he will challenge bradford for that #1 qb spot this year, and certainly will go in front of guys like mccoy, tebow, pike and hes looking at #2 QB at worst, unfortunately quinn was a number 2 QB and it ruined his career and clausen is comparatively up there with aaron quinn and aaron rodgers make me think draft day plummet is always possible for clausen unless he gets the unanimous #1 QB spot
  18. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe Life to Infidels

    I honestly dont want to see Claussen go pro. I hate it when JR's go pro, such a high bust rate. Stafford and Freeman are doing ok, but them along with Rothlisberger are the exceptions

    I dont like the thought of firing Weis right now. Kinda knee jerk IMO. People got real down on him in 2007 despite the fact that he was left with almost an entirily freshmen/sophmore lineup. They got up to mediocrity last year which was a huge step. This year they lost to some quality teams and could have won all those games. Is 6-5 where this team should But this team was really a few bounces away from being 9-2 right now. IMO let him at least coach out Claussens career
  19. DoubleC

    DoubleC i'm ready now...

    I know Buffalo has been in trouble for years but why would they want to bring in a coach that has failed to bring a powerhouse back to respectability?

    And this.

    GJDMQYB Guest

    Charlie weis would be a good choice just because he wasn't successful in the college ranks doesnt mean to much. Recruiting plays a major role...