the only thing more pathetic than adams and his happy actions is someone trying to defend those actions.
I am not saying what Adams did was right. I simple think that Tuck or some others did stuff in game that was not seen.
So as long as it happens during the play it is alright. A cheap shot is a cheap shot no matter when it happens. Adams is known for having a false start at lest once a game. He will hold a player when he is beaten, speed rushers give him the most problems. I am not sure I would call that cheap, linemen and DB's are taught to do that rather than give up a big play. Adams and Tuck do have a history of going at each other. I do not recall of any other cheap shots that Adams has done. Again I do not think what Adams did was right and I think the NFL should suspended him for a game, but I do not think that Tuck is an innocent bystander in all of this. Of the two players which is the low key guy and which one is the media tramp?
manster - he has been hit more than once with tripping penalties. that's a dirty play IMO. bottom line is if tuck was pulling crap in the game and you just have to say something, do it to his face as opposed to shoving a guy in the back.
Not at all, but you said things might not have been seen and that is why. I agree a cheap shot is a cheap shot but there is way out of line and that is what Adams did.
This is here just because I have to type something, I hope you did not waste too much time reading this since it does not say anything it is just what I had to do to post my reply to what Smeagle said. I would have done it another way but I thought it was clearer if I did it that way. I did not know that this site required that you had to put something down like this or I would have done so. I guess I could have redone my post so I would not have to write anything here explaining as to why I am writing here but I decided that it would just be faster to go ahead with the post as is and just write a something short and stupid here. Again I am sorry if you wasted any time reading this the main point of this post is up in the quote from Smeagle with my reply in Bold to make it easier for you t read. If you think about it it is not a bad way to reply to someone. It could cut down on some confusion when people do not know what part of a post someone is replying to. I guess I could have broken the quote up but that just seem like a lot of work, so again sorry you just need to read the Bold part above. Not the word Bold just a few sentences ago but the bold part at the top of the post.
translation - i got nothing so i am going to just make a completely moronic & unfounded statement directed soley at someone who will never see it.