Kool-aid here are da picx can you put in text "Victims...arent we all" on the bottom and the gif in the black 4 me. thnx you can cut up the big pix but keep his face in it plz
Not sure I'm gonna be able to do that for you dude. My trial ran out for Fireworks and that's how I make my sigs with animation in them. I'll check into something, but can't promise.
I know this is a bad day, but I came across this and though it could be useful for something in the future. Disclaimer: This was created before todays game.
great thomas sig hh **********Automerged Doublepost********** can you make the size smaller ? i wanna use it as my avater :icon_cool::icon_cheesygrin:
Had to reduce the size x6 so it's not that great, but it will work: **********Automerged Doublepost********** Made this tonight. Has nothing to do with football, but just wanted to give y'all a seizure.
Thanks for the gif SoDev! When it's sped up like that, it's twice as funny... Especially with the dude in the background doing the squat... :icon_lol: