Bengals WR Chad Ochocinco Has $100K Slush Fund For Fines

Discussion in 'Cincinnati Bengals' started by MediaGuy, Dec 9, 2009.

  1. MediaGuy

    MediaGuy Ball So Hard University

    Earlier Wednesday, we heard from Ochocinco in respsonse to his $30,000 fine for donning a pancho and sombrero, when he told reporters he plays to have fun, not for money. Later Wednesday, we learned via a conference call with Minnesota media that Ochocinco established a slush fund, of sorts, of $100,000 with which to pay for expected fines during the season. Not only does Ochocinco celebrate, he plans for it. “I already know coming into the season,â€￾ Ochocinco explained. “Especially with me having something to prove this year after such a down year last year. One of the ways I have fun is celebration; its part of my personality.â€￾

  2. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    He's gonna need a lot more than $100,000...
  3. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Probably so, he wasn't anticipating playoffs too.
  4. RichLikeWh0a

    RichLikeWh0a Hermhater = Nemesis

    touchdown celebration rules are too strict. period. why should he honestly be fined for the crap he does? nfl is about entertaining fans, and that's what he does.
  5. Texxx

    Texxx Special Teamer

    Because idiots like him will eventually start taking it to far. The guy wants attention so freaking bad, that there is almost no limit to what he'll do to get it. It seems like he worries a lot more about his little celebrations and name changes than he does about doing a lot of the little things to make him a great football player. He totally quit on his team last season before the season even started and finally came back this year ready to play and their team is playing well. Unfortunately he's back to caring more about TD celebrations and props than he is about being an all around great football player. If you put Hines Ward or Andre Johnson's heart in Chad Johnson you'd have a much much better football player.
  6. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    Is this the Ochocinco vs TO debate?
  7. Texxx

    Texxx Special Teamer

    Two head cases that are more trouble than they're worth.
  8. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    I think they are both capable receivers, except for the dropping thing TO has going on.
  9. Texxx

    Texxx Special Teamer

    TO has brought down 3 franchises now. He's never been worth the trouble no matter how great of a WR he was. Age has caught up to him now as well. He is still capable of big plays and all, but he's about to start fading pretty fast. No WR's other than Jerry Rice have been able to continue to play at that high of a level at this age. And who wants to take a gamble on TO at this point when you know he might disrupt the team?
  10. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    He would be a horrible fit in KC, but if he stumbled in here and caught a few TD's I'd take the flack.
  11. markaz

    markaz Resident Cards Fan Staff Member

    TO or Ocho in KC would be very telling on the direction of the organization.....nose down at the speed of light.
  12. SweetShot03

    SweetShot03 Fuck stupid people

    where the heck would TO fit in? who would want him? and no not the lions for those of you that think he should go to the lions to make them better.......

    We have a good QB now just needs to get experiance, and we have more then capable WR and would choose them over TO anyday. We just need an O line and better D line.

    wait I am getting off topic....... this is about Ocho Doucho

    I hate the guy but some things are entertaining, and then there are some things that are just annoying.

    Doing something against a good team is one thing but celebrating against a team where its a garenteed win.... not so funny. taking the horn from the Viking Mascott would be hilarious because its two good teams playing. Might just be me but there are some points to have fun and it will be fun and there are times when your just being dumb and rubbing it in a teams face.
  13. DontKnowMe

    DontKnowMe Anti-Social Networker

    Must be nice to have 100k just to blow on fines.
  14. Inclulbus

    Inclulbus WE ARE! .. Marshall!

    t.o haters are funny. he killed 3 franchises?? we never had a problem with him at all. neither has buffalo. he was the only player on offense to show up for Philly in the superbowl and he was out for how long before it?? get outta here.
  15. markaz

    markaz Resident Cards Fan Staff Member

    It's all about drawing attention to yourself. The guy who really should get fined is the butthole who sacks the QB, runs upfield about 10 yards to separate himself, and starts beating his chest....and his team is losing by 21 points.
  16. Inclulbus

    Inclulbus WE ARE! .. Marshall!
