CBS’ Boomer Esiason on Cincinnati Bengal receiver Chad Ochocinco, who’s been fined four times this season: “He’s an absolute sideshow. He’s an embarrassment to the franchise.†But also positioned now to someday become a TV analyst. Source: USAToday
Right. It's people like the T.O.'s and early Randy Moss's that give people like Ocho a bad name. The guy is having fun, something that seems to be a lost art in this league, and he's not hurting his team. No penalties on his team, just fines he has to pay, addressed after the game, the only reason it's a "distraction" is because the media makes it one. It's honestly talked about Monday morning, maybe a little while Tuesday, and that's it. If Ocho didn't have a grill maybe he wouldn't be an embarrassment? (I personally hate them)
how didnt chad act like owens or moss while demanding a trade and being an absolute cancer while doing so ?
Because somebody was actually able to slap some sense into before he did destroy the team. Not to say that it erases what he did, but a one-time incident compared to, say, at least 3 times by TO, etc.etc. His celebrations do not take away from what this team is doing.
dude, he went at it for an entire season and off-season. things are only dirreferent now because the bengals are winnning. he is a carbon copy of owens. not so much moss who proved he will quit on a team. don't get me wrong, the on field antics are borish more than anything else and don't hurt the team. in fact if he didnt pull his owens jr. act before i doubt anyone would have a beef with his celebrations.
He doesent wear a grill anymore he said he lost it **********Automerged Doublepost********** I think people in the media say these things because hes the type of player that goes against what they want. They want a player that when you tell them jump they say how high. He has his own personality and he just has fun out on the field. Ok he had issues about being traded but hes human hes not perfect. All the guy wants to do is win and im glad hes doing well this year. Also off the field hes the nicest guy he takes fans out to dinner and brings fans to the game. He even took the bengals out of a blackout lol. Yea he is such a embarrassment :icon_rolleyes:
This. Name one superstar on a bad team that hasn't hinted at being traded. Sure, he was out of line, we've established that, but they were losing for how long? Finally frustration grew and he overreacted, hell TJ Housh skipped town ASAP, CJ stayed. He's not perfect, don't know how many times I can state that, but that was the only time in his career where he went ballistic and snitched out on his team.
Boomer was dead on. CJ has always cared more about himself and the attention he gets more than he cares about the over all well being of his team. I've seen his O lineman grab him before and yank him away from doing some end zone celebration before. I'm sure that his O lineman get sick of the refs who are begging to penalize their team because of CJ's antics that get them heaved a little. Officials don't like that sort of thing. The guy goes way over board when it comes to trying to receive attention when he should be focusing all that extra energy on being a better player for his team. He's been an embarrassment to the Bengals numerous times. He isn't always an embarrassment, but he embarrassed them all last season and also became very divisive in the locker room for a while as well. Their owner Mike Brown is very stubborn and decided to keep him last season to show him a lesson. Most of the other owners in the league would have shipped him off a while back. It's not just about the celebrations, it's the constant infatuation with changing his name, to making sure his new name is on his jersey and his legal battle that he had over that, to his whining when he doesn't get the ball enough, or doesn't get paid enough, which is just a big thirst for attention at the end of the day with Chad Johnson. All of that combined makes his end zone celebrations even highlighted more because of his constant stigma.