its just funny how you snuck it in there and it took almost 10 posts for it to be mentioned, you had no intentions of bringing it up
I defy you to have an all White team and not have you SF be Wally Freaking Szczerbiak That embarrassment is worth offering Durant 20 trillion a year to undergo skin pigmentation so he can play on my squad. He was also given Dave Mathews entire catalouge to study, and cut off cami shorts, flip flops and a Heineken Tee Shirt to wear during leasure activities, such as hackey sack and air hockey
Honorable mention: Lou Amundson. Notice the the incredible elevation. Amare recognizes it. [ame=]YouTube - Steve Nash to Louis Amundson for the Alley-oop[/ame]
J.J. Rerod should be an honorable mention on your list - actually playing decent for the Magic this season so far....
c; Andrew Bougut PF: Chris the birdman Anderson SF: Mike Dunleavy SG JJ Rerod PG; Steve Nash Bench Adam Morrison Kevin Love Tyler Hansbrough Wally Steve Blake
did you really put Keith Van Horn on a list? if you're gonna go that route, youve gotta throw in Mark 'Mad Dog' Madsen dance whiteboy, dance
shudders Mike Dunleavy IMO is all thats wrong with white people playing basketball As a racial representative, I seriously would consider trading him to black people for Emmanuel Lewis
[ame=]YouTube - Ultimate Professor Highlight Video[/ame]
Dan twinkyau would own that kid in real basketball.....nufced He is one of 5 people who play ball professionally that Dan twinkyau could own Kids J was hideaos and any real ball player would swat his layups or strip his crossover
what about CHRIIIIIIIIIIIIIS KAMAN :Loco: he looks like a psycho :icon_cheesygrin: Nowitzki , Nash and Bird enough said :icon_smile: