We suck butt today im close to just saying see you guys next week cause thats like 90% likley right now. regroup and beat them next week
close to it **********Automerged Doublepost********** yup see you guys next week ready for sig of shame
Wow...Felix... 24-0 Cowboys. No reason to believe the Cowboys can't do it again next week. Hottest team heading into the playoffs.
Once in awhile you might want to just play the underdog card someone deals you. If the Eagles win, you look modest. If they lose, you don't look like so much of an butt. These rodwads have beaten us twice this year. Obviously they have our number, especially looking at what the hell is going on right now. **********Automerged Doublepost********** And I'm shocked! It's almost the end of the third quarter and we already have SEVEN rushes! For the whole team! We gotta make sure we're keeping that defense honest!
I'm glad we have fans like you. Seriously. Personally, I'm sick to my stomach. We've got a a first round bye and HFA except for the Saints on the line and we can't score a field goal. CHOKE.
Yea i feel it to but we cant throw in the towel theres still a game next week even if it feels like its over
this hottest team talk is annoying... Pretty funny the Eagles don't even show up with a chance at getting a bye, and homefield advantage. What they didn't want to show us their ultra complex blitz packages? Didn't want to show all their offense? Squeezeham might be the death of us, he's been decent so far here. But he comes close missing extra points.