I won't say that, because when I kept saying it last week (in English, not Omenese), well we saw what happened. It's going to be an awful game.
fact is, Romo's beaten everything they've thrown at him. blitz or no blitz you guys are doomed if this offense comes to play.
dallas defense is good but how many weeks can they keep a dangerous offense like the eagles from scoring? two in a row? doubtful? score will be 28-18 eagles
I picked an Eagles win by a real narrow margin. I did it mostly out of homerism. If I weren't an Eagles fan, I probably would have taken the Cowboys in this one. Hopefully homer me ends up being right.
I don't like this. I'm not ready for a mayor let-down (like I usually am before a Cowboys play-off game for the past 15 years). I'm actually very confident...I don't know what to do. HELP ME!!! :moe:
I'm not going to lie.. having blown you guys out last week leaves me 100x more scared this week than I woulda been had we just beat you by a last second FG. It makes this week even more unpredictable in my eyes. Last week has felt like forever, and I'm happy it's gameday. I'm taking my boys, out of homerism and without. Just makes sense. We beat the "December woes" and now let's beat the "Playoff woes." It's gonna be a great game. Is it 8 yet? Let's go Boys!
I took Philly because of all the talk the Cowboys are getting as favorites and going into the playoffs hot etc. I don't think that bodes well for us at all. I'm scarred about this game big time. Philly will not play badly like they did last week. We won't play as well either. With our elevator due to come down and there's due to come up, I'm very worried. Andy Reid is 7-0 in opening round playoff games and we haven't won a playoff game since the triplets were in their prime. I don't see us winning this game quite frankly. I don't have homerism in my anymore as I can't take the pain.