Brettfavre threw the pbutt. Thusforth, it was not classless but rather just another "gunslinger" moment in the great career of the mighty and infallible Lord Favre. Signed, John Madden and Steve Mariucci
hey if im a fan at the game i would want them to keep playing heck the score. Gave the fans one more thing to cheer for.
If an Eagle came out so soon after an butt whooping and showed the world his vag**a with some pathetic cat butt whining like this crap here I would be really embarrassed. WTF is Brooking thinking?
GET OUT OF HERE YOU BUTT HURT E-GALS FAN. **********Automerged Doublepost********** You're wrong there dude we have way more class than the ViQUEENS.
Another one besides Brooking is upset:icon_cheesygrin: Football is 60 minutes play the game or go home is what I say. Your job is to score points and the Vikings did just that and the Cowboys didn't. Oh well it happens to everyone so they need to quit:icon_cry:
Funny, how people are ripping Brooking to shreds. When he's actually right. Wish Favre would've had his helmet off so Brooking could've popped his butt in the jaw.
It is not classless to go for points, especially considering BRETT FAVRE was going for his career-record 4th TD in a playoff game. The Cowboys defense was crap and BRETT FAVRE showed them and Jerry Jones what the Cowboys are and are not capable of. Exactly. Are victorious away teams supposed to give up so the fans that were giving them negative vibes earlier can enjoy "a fairer game?" So you want BRETT FAVRE to stop playing because he's winning, but you don't want him to acknowledge his win? Insanity! The Cowboys got their butt whooped and should find some chalk and a blackboard and figure out how to score some points next season.