texx - you really need to brush up on your comprehension skills there little guy. i mean you even edited your post and still didn't take notice to the fact that you're pointing out a post from 8/07 ...
Your defense. BURN! **********Automerged Doublepost********** You just got your butt kicked by a team in purple. PURPLE.
i just feel bad that the resident cowboy fans here didn't get to have their dirty sanchez party they planned for after the vikes game.
Lol. That is not proper English. I have no idea what you said. Please reply so I can make some SENSE of what you typed. [In case you missed it, i was pointing out the fact that you spelled 'sense' erroneously as 'since' and how that doesn't make 'sense', which is ironic because you said I don't make 'since' when, in actuality, you didn't make any 'sense' there.]
I was just amused by the irony. :icon_cheesygrin: But while we are discussing, what part of my post made such 'little sense'? I didn't think I was being too complicated for anyone.
ill be rejoicing and celebrating those three butt whippins handed out to the IGGLES.:icon_cheesygrin:
touche' jerky. :icon_cool: **********Automerged Doublepost********** and of course by celebrating you fans mean plenty of the thread title. have fun with that. :icon_confused: