The Saints Are In The Super Bowl: Let's Hear The Excuses Flow

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by Saintsfan1972, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. n1gbpackfan

    n1gbpackfan Title Town USA

    What ever...GO SAINTS! If they can get pressure on Manning like they did Favre, he won't finish the game, either that or the crybaby will have the entire Saints D ejected. Manning lays down like a little boy when he see's pressure coming. Oh, and I hope he throws like 3 picks, and see who the media blames for the loss, sure as hell won't be Manning.
  2. A sign of things to come?

    [ame=""]YouTube - Smart Guy Episode Predicts Super Bowl Score?[/ame]
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  3. Skarecrow7

    Skarecrow7 Rookie

    The Saints won because a cold front moved into the lower levers of Hades... if the vikings were destined to go, then hell would have froze over two weeks later (if they had won that is).
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  4. Saintsfan1972

    Saintsfan1972 BREESUS SAVES

    lol...welcome to GIF
  5. phiglesphan

    phiglesphan BANNED

    May seem to you like bitter grapes now but I'm actually trying to help Saints' fans. I know the pain of losing a Super Bowl (to cheaters sure but we didn't know that at the time and it still hurts) and I also saw how the Vikings dominated them completely and yet managed to beat themselves.....I also saw several other recent saints games like the cowboys, bucs, and redskins games so I want them to be ready next Sunday for what is coming. SURE a miracle COULD happen but the odds are not pretty. The Colts winning is the closest thing to a lock I have seen in a SB in quite some time. I'm not saying to stop hoping and praying. I'm saying to do so with an eye on reality and not buy into the ridiculousness I keep hearing about fate because of some weather storm that happened several years ago. You can come thank me here in this thread on Monday.
  6. LMAO First thing Manning does not take very many big hits but when he does he gets right back up. He has missed ONE SNAP in his 12 year career due to an injury and that was a broken jaw. I hope that the Saints think they can get to him because you have to blitz everyone to have a chance and we all seen last week what he does when teams send extra guys. Id be more concerned about Brees with Freeney and Mathis chaseing him all over the place. Unlike most teams the Colts can get pressure with just the front four. Colts 38 Saints 27