Good idea, I'm gonna post them all up in one post and people can take turns guessing which goes with which!
Some of them should be fairly easy to match, let's see who can get them all right! $1,000 vCash for the first person to match them all!
From the bottom up XWing Guy Motorcycle Sidecar moonrise don't know the next 3 same pic only blue War elephant guys standing on poles weird horse pic floating couch guy screaming train flying dragon trippy caterpillar gif taste the rainbow Dantes inferno appendage alien thing dudes on the bar/Tark that's just off the top of my head without cheating and looking back through. Can I cheat and go back?
Of course you can go back, and it looks like the contest is invalid because I didn't actually put up all the chops I did of the original.
Just the one page. I'll give you the $1000, that seems about right. I guess I'll start posting up the source pic if I put up anymore. Thanks for playing! :cheersbeer:
I think I spent about 20 minutes on that WARD. The only reason I even made the effort is because Roy liked her smile.
I added a couple of effects to jazz up that sig Roy. I didn't realize you were gonna wear it for any period of time.