Congrats Andy. We claimed silver and bronze, what nobody had ecpected, bc we never won anything at skeleton
Magdalena Neuner became Germany's most successful athlete this year. She already won a gold medal in 15km biathlon, bronze goes to Simone Hausmann. This lift us over Norway on 2nd place, right behind the USA....... btw. To our Britsh members. What does he do today?
After winning a bronze medal, Scotty Lago did what any 22-year-old snowboarder would do: Got drunk, and had a girl simulate fe***tio with the medal. Unfortunately, the photos were leaked, and he was asked to leave the games. The Proper Way To Display An Olympic Medal [PIC]
Bode Miller redeemed himself this time with a bronze, silver, and gold medal, and he has two more events.
Great day for our athletes We are #1...... :fworks17: It prolly won't last for long **********Automerged Doublepost********** I guess Sven Kramer is looking for a new coach
Julia Mancuso is a sniveling snitch. "Waa, I had to restart after my teammate took a hard crash, let me cry for 20 minutes."
Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards I believe still works as a plasterer over here. He does some after-dinner speaking as well. A true British sporting hero.