Found this over at's recap of the Smackdown Tapings: Click to see spoiler: [NSFW]PROWRESTLING.NET | 3/30 WWE Smackdown taping in Las Vegas, Nev.: Huge spoiler, results of Friday's television show (spoilers) [/NSFW] :icon_eek:
the all american american american got the strap pretty quick \m/ Pretty shocking that Jericho dropped the strap for this guy, be interesting to see how they play this out
Not sure why you'd use the 'spoiler' code to hide the result when the title states what the spoiler is :icon_rolleyes: So, they give Jack Swagger the strap already? Sheesh. Not sure that this is a good idea. They could've worked that "wait, I didn't mean to cash it in yet" angle for quite some time as he goes around trying to pin the champs. Then, work him into some feud where both champs are upset at him pulling his crap and both champs are super pissed off at him. Then, maybe a match between both champs, not for each other's titles....but for the right to kick Swagger's ass! That would elevate Swagger quickly, see if he can hang with the champs and also test to see how the crowd reacts to Swagger being a main eventer. All the while, you have a feud building between Cena and Jericho and now you have a 3-way setup main event for the next PPV. Or, if you have Swagger win one of the titles, the loser of that title match would feud with the other champ for the other championship main event match of that PPV. Thoughts?
Thats odd because what Edge did to Jericho after their match at Wrestlemania , that hinted towards a rematch at Extreme Rules, I guess not.
I don't object to Jack Swagger getting a push, just think the WWE have just killed a feud that hasn't really finished in Edge/Jericho.
Best technical wrestler for sure. If Bryan Danielson makes high card status, imagine the matches these two could put on.
They didn't kill the Jericho/Edge feud. That was never the idea. The idea was to turn it into a triangle feud between the three of him.
I said that before seeing the episode, so I was none of the wiser at the time. I hope we see a triple threat match between them at Extreme Rules, with him retaining. At least WWE got the right guys to help with his push, Jericho & Edge will be the making of Swagger.