Wooden dies at age 99 LOS ANGELES -- Former UCLA basketball coach and Hall of Famer John Wooden died of natural causes on Friday at age 99, the school announced. Little had been released regarding his condition. Earlier in the day, former UCLA and Los Angeles Lakers star Jamaal Wilkes told The Associated Press that he visited Wooden in his hospital room twice this week and they chatted briefly. Wilkes said Wooden recognized him and that the coach's mind remains "sharp as a tack," although he said the 99-year-old Wooden's body is "very, very frail." UCLA officials said Friday afternoon that Wooden was resting comfortably and was surrounded by family. The university's statement said the family wanted to thank Wooden's fans for their thoughts and prayers. UCLA legendary coach John Wooden dies at age 99 - ESPN Los Angeles
R.I.P. The Bruins' run from the mid 60's till the mid 70's was unprecedented and likely will never be matched, winning 10 National Titles in a twelve year span, including an 88 game winning streak and back to back undefeated championship seasons in 71-72, 72-73. Wooden is simply the greatest college basketball coach of all time. He will certainly be missed.
Mentioned in every conversation about the greatest coaches of all-time in any sport. His character and the type of person he was is always brought up by those that new him. Legend indeed.