You're a Steelers fan and you have a guy you love, but what guy that has a realistic shot of making the team just does nothing for you? You don't necessarily have to be a Steelers fan to answer this question, the answers could be quite interesting.
Has to be a player...huh? Hmmmm...Justin Hartwig or Chuck Batch (I love Chuck b/c he has a good head on his shoulders and can help mentally, but he lacks with any talent on the field) Hartwig just does nothing for me...although he's leaps and bounds above Sean
randel el....i cant believe he was actually brought in hartwig, frank summers, charlie batch, matt spaeth are all players i could live without as well
didnt OK with his roster spot though rather than the waste of ones we use for el or summers, at least evander might have potential to be a serviceable backup/wedgebuster
Summers is a good one too...wasted roster spot. I'm fine with Randle El...doesn't bother me as much as some others.