Cowboys Vs Redskins SNF

Discussion in 'NFL Gameday' started by ollysj, Sep 6, 2010.


Who will win this game?

  1. Cowboys

  2. Redskins

  1. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    What a bad punt...good gawd...I guess if your a Cowboys fan, it's a great
  2. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    this year
    i refuse to break crap

    ima just be cool
  3. TerriTsu

    TerriTsu Idō kaubōizu!

    If they don't score i'm gonna go kamikaze on somebody's butt [​IMG]
  4. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    miles austin TD.
  5. ravenfan52

    ravenfan52 Perennial All Pro

    Austin continues his big game as Dallas suddenly claws back into it.
  6. 86WARD

    86WARD -


    10-7 Redskins.
  7. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?


    thanks NBC

    i need to be talk about Haynesworth stepping on Gurode 5 years ago about 10 million more times tonight.
    1 person likes this.
  8. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    "nightvision?" Seriously? It looks a like a freaking crapty TV from the 70's...heck your gimmicks. Just show the freaking replay.
  9. TerriTsu

    TerriTsu Idō kaubōizu!

    Well, when you got Collinsworth repeating like a broken record it makes you think if you're playing Madden 11. So annoying.
  10. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

  11. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    O-Line is slowly losing this game for the Redskins...
  12. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Here come the Cowboys...
  13. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    they're running the ball.
  14. ravenfan52

    ravenfan52 Perennial All Pro

    Boy, the Cowboys are really moving the ball by running on the 'Skins. Felix Jones' size is a definite advantage.
  15. ravenfan52

    ravenfan52 Perennial All Pro

    Austin continues his terrific game.

    And it's called back.
  16. TerriTsu

    TerriTsu Idō kaubōizu!

    I don't know what he see's in that stupid kardashian snitch. Him and romo are definitely the cute/handsome ones i like [​IMG]
  17. ravenfan52

    ravenfan52 Perennial All Pro

    Really big play here.
  18. phiglesphan

    phiglesphan BANNED

    :icon_rolleyes: Typical
  19. ravenfan52

    ravenfan52 Perennial All Pro

    Witten gets it for an important first on third and long. But...holding on Barron makes it a much tougher 3rd and long. You can't commit penalties at a time like this.
  20. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    3rd & 21 for the Cowboys.