whatev phigles lol I would also like to add that Jason Garret is a freaking cat. We had enough protection to go down the field all game long, and we dinked and dunked. WE ARE A FREAKING TERRIBLE DINK AND DUNK TEAM
i hated that we thre to dez TEWICE on the stupid side pattern that didnt work......unleash the dude man fucj crap heck
lets ssee it then.............urh i still cant beileve that freaking douche holding like that ude needs to be let go now **********Automerged Doublepost********** it was two in row then one to the other side after a play or two
doesn't wanna show up on here for some reason..but it will on my control panel..oh nevermind..there it is lol
I felt bad for Dez on that first drive. I was like... damn, the kids first 2 passes in the NFL are that bullcrap (2 for 1 yard or something). Give him something real to catch.
Dont know if it was the same call, but it may have been or it may have been another short route He did have 3 cath's for like 9 yards the first 2 possesions Again, it was part of that dink and dunk bullcrap. Our offense is built to attack from 12 to 40 yards down field. Not 4 to 10
Thanks. =D I was American born but some of my family still reside in Japan like grandparents and some aunts, uncles and cousins. They said the Cowboys, Raiders and Steelers ironically are the most popular. although one of my cousins is a Ravens fan..he likes Ray Lewis..Football has made quite the presence in Japan through the years..they play it on college level over there..there's videos on YouTube.
My Godson is 1/4 Japaneses but his dad is 49er fan......... ok im still fuming from this loss i cant sleep yet for i fear of the dream i might have
Good news is Koiser and Colombo should play next week, and we get the Bears That and that Miles Austin guy is pretty good, keep an eye on him
Awesomeness....eace: I had an aunt who lived in Japan for over 10 years and was friends with a Japanese musician Tetsu Yamauchi.
Can't win 'em all. you just gotta move on.. there's always next week it's not like its the end of the season. It was ugly but they can't dwell on it..just learn from it and move on. You can't get demoralized as a fan so easy..you're not the only unhappy fan out there.
im glad they are coming back back but why did we have to lose to the racist why **********Automerged Doublepost********** just saw Romo on NFLN and he looks like he wants to puch something