Most people did not select the Vikings/Saints game on purpose to allow for late comers...a couple people picked the game...but to be honest, I think it was a push...
After Week One: 1 86WARD - 10 10-3 2 L.Johnson27 - 10 10-3 3 PSID412USM - 9 9-4 4 ollysj - 9 9-4 5 MediaGuy - 8 8-5 Sweets - 8 8-5 7 warcrychief - 8 8-5 8 pctrips - 8 8-5 9 Snowman - 8 8-5 10 AxionJaxson FTW - 6 6-7 11 themush - 6 6-7 12 Mr. D - 6 6-7 13 saintskickass - 6 6-7 14 DawkinsINT - 5 5-8 15 sportsguy - 5 5-8
com'on WARD...even with how bad you did on your picks. you should still show every1 the results of them. 1 ollysj 9-4(wk1) 8-7(wk2) total-17 2 AxionJaxson FTW 6-7(wk1) 10-5(wk2) total-16 3 Mr. D 6-7(wk1) 9-6(wk2) total-15 4 Sweets 8-7(wk1) 7-8(wk2) total-15 5 warcrychief 8-7(wk1) 7-8(wk2) total-15 6 MediaGuy 8-7(wk1) 7-8(wk2) total-15 7 PSID412USM 9-4(wk1) 6-9(wk2) total-15 8 86WARD 10-3(wk1) 5-10(wk2) total-15 9 pctrips 8-5(wk1) 6-9(wk2) total-14 10 L.Johnson27 10-3(wk1) 3-12(wk2) total-13 11 DawkinsINT 5-8(wk1) 7-8(wk2) total-12 12 saintskickass 6-7(wk1) 6-9(wk2) total-12 13 sportsguy 5-8(wk1) 6-9(wk2) total-11 14 themush 6-7(wk1) 5-10(wk2) total-11 15 Snowman 8-7(wk1) 1-14(wk2)* total-9 * forgot to make picks good luck next week guys :evil1:'cha forgot you can do that. **********Automerged Doublepost********** i thought you would update the posts like this.