Perhaps the Rangers' greatest sales pitch simply was having Kristen sit in the visiting family section at Yankee Stadium during the playoffs. She says there were ugly taunts. Obscenities. Cups of beer thrown. Even fans spitting from the section above. "The fans did not do good things in my heart," Kristen says. "When people are staring at you, and saying horrible things, it's hard not to take it personal." Who knows if the fans' behavior will have any affect on Lee's decision. Source USA Today
Stupid move by idiot fans if you are hoping to have this guy in your rotation in the future. Mama ain't happy, crap ain't good no matter what money is tossed in your direction.
Rep! Did anyone see Nick Swisher's comments? I heard when he was asked last Thursday about Lee last Thursday by a reporter, he answered with a profanity-laced response saying he couldn't care less about Cliff Lee. Nice. Real nice.
it's true, it was covert operation carried out by dawk, oxlong & myself. let's hope it worked. :icon_cool: