Eagles Vs Giants

Discussion in 'NFL Gameday' started by ollysj, Dec 17, 2010.


Who will win this game?

Poll closed Dec 19, 2010.
  1. Eagles

  2. Giants

  1. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    The New York Giants host the Philadelphia Eagles at New Meadowlands Stadium on Sunday 12/19/10. Kickoff time is 1:00 pm EST


  2. SoDev

    SoDev Don't tase me, bro!

    Brahmad Bradcobs puts the steamroller on 'em...

    20-31 Giants!
  3. phiglesphan

    phiglesphan BANNED

    Remind me again...how many yards did they rush for 3 weeks ago? EAGLES never let me down in the old Meadowlands when I was there and they won't in the new either.
  4. No Stewart Bradley this time......whole new ballgame.

    You are in for a rude awakening. :peace:
  5. phiglesphan

    phiglesphan BANNED

    Didn't miss a beat last week through 2.5 quarters with Chaney. We will see.
  6. The Cowboys' rushing attack is not quite like the Giants'.

    We shall.....should be a good one. :icon_cool:
  7. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    Eagles-Giants for first place in December. NFC East football. These are the kind of games that make me love the NFL. I can't freaking wait. :buttrock:
  8. phiglesphan

    phiglesphan BANNED

    See....I'm more of a Eagles Redskins or Eagles Lions in ugly throwback jersey type of game guy. Games like this give me an ulcer.
  9. SoDev

    SoDev Don't tase me, bro!

    Amen to that. If a game like this doesn't get your blood flowing then you need to quit watching football. This is the kind of game where I have to make myself try to relax. Every freaking play is live or die! Hook me up to a freaking oxygen tank and give me a a vodka IV! :fu06:
  10. SoDev

    SoDev Don't tase me, bro!

    I do understand the feeling.
  11. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    I totally agree that it's hard to relax and ulcer inducing, but that's what makes them so great. After the game I'll either be totally elated or hating that I was ever born.

    It's a total playoff game.
  12. phiglesphan

    phiglesphan BANNED

    I usually don't get totally elated till the next day (especially when nervously walking through parking lots of angry guidos) I am either miserable or just sort of relieved immediately after.
  13. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    Ha ha...understandable about walking out their building.

    I do the opposite though, and turn from elation from a victory in a huge game, to then feeling just relieved that the team survived as I focus more on the things done poorly as it could effect the team in the future.
  14. Chubz

    Chubz 1st Stringer

    Giants finally have their whole offensive line back, which means they won't telegraph their running game to the Eagles like they did 3 weeks ago. Giants ran the ball 95% of the time off the right side.

    Losing Steve Smith is big but they have a stable of fill ins that include Travis Beckum and Darek Hagan. Nicks and Manningham will be out there. So the Eagles aren't going to load 8-9 guys in the box. The Giants defense is main cog here for this team.

    They have to play like they did last week and the week against the Eagles. They need to keep good edge containment and gap integrity. Keeping that safety deep is also crucial.

    I can't see the Giants playing as poorly as they did 3 weeks ago with the crucial penalties and turnovers. The Eagles offense is a machine but their defense over the last few weeks has given up plenty of points.

    Giants are at home.

    Eagles 20
    Giants 30
  15. 86WARD

    86WARD -

  16. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    Silly McNabb talk got me distracted from what is going to be one hell of a fight come Sunday.

    Man, I sure would love to have our Pro Bowl cornerback in the game but I don't think he'll dress.

    Won't make a difference. Eli will throw a few crapty passes that we ought to capitalize on, Jacobs and Bradshaw will meet our wall once again, and the offense will have figured out one of two things: either how to protect Vick from taking hits so fast by keeping in an extra blocker or two, or how to get the ball out of his hands faster.

    This is a little worrisome: Eagles Vs Giants: Jamar Chaney Takes Center Stage - SB Nation Philly

    Eagles with the win.
  17. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    game of the week. no question. probably will decide the division. i think it's an equal match-up. should be fun to watch.
  18. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    It's game day and I can't sleep. Come on, 10 AM! Only 7 hours away!
  19. phiglesphan

    phiglesphan BANNED

    Just got up myself. Layering up now and heading out soon.... GO BIRDS!