Hard to say. What team for the Packers shows up, and what one for the eagles? The way this season has played out, I dont think any prediction is safe. Not in this game, anyway.
this is the match up im looking foward too.....but i think this game is hard to predict. i think the matcg up above will decide the game if mathews can get to vick and throw him outa sync then the packer win but if Vick has time and can pic the secondary apsrt or elude mathews then the eagles
The only good thing going back to week 1 against them is that the defense only allowed two passes of over 20 yards. If they can keep them to that I'd be ecstatic. I seriously doubt it happening though. I hate this match-up.
I think we have a fair chance to win. The team has to be focused on the game and do what they did lately (except what they did vs the Lions).
Just a little history brush-up... [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1FuF85O4Q8&feature=related"]YouTube - Philadelphia Eagles - 4th and 26[/ame]
^This. We should have picked him up just for this week. See if he could step up like he ALWAYS did when we needed him.
If the Pack OL can somehow keep Rodgers safe game long, it'll be a long afternoon for the Eagles. If...
Time seemingly standing still. Check. Inability to concentrate on anything besides football. Check. Knot in the stomach. Check. It must be Eagles playoff game day.
I won't be here during the game. Have to concentrate solely on the game. I'll make my halftime appearance though. :icon_cool: