Over the past 90 years, the National Football League has outgrown its roots as a collection of under-financed midwestern teams and is now the single most popular ongoing entertainment enterprise in the US. This year the NFL recorded some of its highest television ratings ever. Beyond the league’s 32 franchises there are a host of subsidiary enterprises, including an all-NFL cable network, sports-talk radio, fantasy football and gambling (much of it “illegalâ€), merchandising, and so on. If you ask the typical NFL sycophant, the league’s success will last forever — nothing will ever bring down Lord Football! Except, of course, the people who actually run the NFL. Source Behind The Lockout Part 1 Behind the Lockout Part 2
Lays out quite nicely the mismanagement that's been a staple in the good old NFL for years & years. The NFL is just looking for ways to extend/ignore the problems that the owners themselves have perpetuated. This lockout scenario may ultimately be resolved but all it will do is push back Judgment Day.
Jesus phigles, every freaking time. It's actually a very objective view from a very well respected economic Academy.
It's not. It sells itself that way but it just isn't. What it is, is a biased impeachment of league ownership with broad generalizations that have little to no basis in reality and no acknowledgment of the player's association's culpability.
Believe it or not, I think that's all the players want. You're crying poor mouth owners? Open up the books and show us. And I bet if that happened the players would accept some form of change. But, those greedy SOB's wont do it....willingly at least.
Definitely told from that side of the issue but no less the truth. Personally, I'd also like a well written breakdown of the burden the players should bear in all this. No basis in reality? C'mon, phigles, we've been watching the owners who act like rich frat boys, argue amongst themselves, follow poor business practices ensuring future blow back, etc. forever. These articles aren't anything the seasoned football fan didn't know. As far as the players? Like I said above, they carry a heavy burden of their own & shouldn't be seen as victims...well, not all of them. There's enough irresponsibility on both sides to have sunk the Titanic while it was still in dry dock...
I will reiterate how biased, short sighted, one sided, and not worth anyones time too read that I thought it was if you like.