Federal Agents Raid Florida Training Facility

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by Sweets, Apr 18, 2011.

  1. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Josina Anderson of FOX-31 in Denver reports federal agents raided an athletic training facility in the state of Florida. "Source: Just heard federal agents raided an athletic training facility in Florida this am where NFL/CFL players and college prospects train," Anderson wrote on Twitter. Which training center and why it was raided was not disclosed. Due to the lockout, many current NFL players are having to work out on their own dime at private athletic training performance centers, whose clientele at this time is typically comprised of draft-eligible players.

    Source: macsfootballblog
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2011
  2. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    Whew. I feel so much safer now that the Feds have taken out a possible steroid facility. I'm not going to lock my doors tonight. Thanks you Federal Gubment.
  3. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Mush, you heard it had something to do with steroids? Link?
  4. RAF Eagle

    RAF Eagle yup yup

    maybe the players got bored waiting for the lockout o be rectified and so took a few steroids ? :p
  5. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    Just sports radio spatter so far.
  6. Dragonite

    Dragonite Simply Arrogant!

    Interesting, good work DEA. LMFAO. Now take out the actual DRUG CARTELS IN FLORIDA PLEASE.
  7. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Conspiracy and Wire Fraud.
  8. Dragonite

    Dragonite Simply Arrogant!

    LOL, sounds like they were in cahoots with Pokerstars.net :icon_cheesygrin:
  9. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I don't think there was a big NFL connection there either...