The family of San Francisco Giants fan Bryan Stow, who was brutally beaten in the parking lot at Dodger Stadium on Opening Day, filed a civil suit against the Dodgers in Los Angeles Superior Court Tuesday morning.The suit seeks unspecified damages to cover Stow's future medical care and as compensation for the economic damages to Stow and his two children."It's fairly simple," said Thomas Girardi, the attorney representing the family. "The Dodgers have shown a total disregard for public safety. They've gotten rid of security people. They've had all these incidents at their games, more than other teams. There's also a known gang presence. What did they think was going to happen?" Source: ESPN
Not that they don't deserve the compensation but I just can't see the Dodgers backing down on this one. Think of the precedent this would set if the Stow family wins. If I'm the Dodgers I would agree to cover his medical bills.
I disagree with this lawsuit, it is not the Dodgers fault at all that these idiots beat the freaking crap out of a guy. If they are going to sue, they should, but they should sue the estate and families of those who did it, not the Dodgers. Dodgers should pay his medical bills because people going to be pissed if they take this to court and win and crap.
Question is, (and I really don't know this), was he parked in a lot that the Dodgers control? I know when I went to a baseball game in Cleveland we parked in a lot that the Indians didn't control. It was like 5 bucks cheaper.
In that case, the family might be able to "go after" the company that handles the parking in that lot...if there is a company that handles it for whatever lot he was parked in.
this equals a win for the stow family. there has been a gang issue at that stadium for a long time and it's gotten progressively worse by the game and the dodgers have failed to address it.
Regardless where he was parked, this happened in the stadium parking lot. If they had the security, and sucha s they claim with gang activity present, they may have not had such the brutality of it. But, I thought they attacked him at his car, meaning he would've had to be in the parking lot, right? To a point, the Dodgers organization is part of the blame for not addressing this sooner.
My Business Law teacher always said that you sue everyone involved. So it's a good legal move. And I've heard bad things about the gang presence at that stadium too.
the eagles organization along with the city of philadelphia came down hard on the buttholes we had in our stadium. they took the steps needed to get rid of the dirtbags. the dodgers it seems were just happy having people there by the 3rd inning.
Yes, it is, Echo Park is one of the worst gang areas in Los Angeles, and that spills into Chavez Ravine constantly. Plus since the Dodgers are basically bankrupt right now, they've been operating with bare minimum skeleton crews for park maintenance and security for some time.
I go to about 15-20 Dodger games a year and I have yet to be involved in any real mess. It's true Gang members do attend the games. But same could be said just for about any where. I've been to Giants games see the thing. I been to A's games see the same thing. It's a matter of how far you let the crap talking escalate.
other than oakland i don't recall hearing about escalating violence in san fran. certainly not to this level. the real issue here to me isn't so much what happened, not that this wasn't a disgusting display from a bunch of pussies, but it's more about the fact that you have a lame duck ownership that is not taking the proper measures to stop this crap and it's going to continue. the city/municipality also should be taking it on the chin for this IMO. again the eagles and the city came down hard on the butthole element that was at eagles games. not just in the stadium either. the lots were patrolled heavily and people were tossed left and right that were acting like dopes. it's not perfect as you've still seen some dipcraps who think puking on another fan is cool or jumping on the field is the in thing to do but i can deal with the occasional dumbbutt.