You will love it here. You can speak you're mind about anything with only one rule. Take personal attacks to the Fight Club. Other then that bring your knowledge of the NFL or NCAA. We always welcome N00bs. One question though: How'd you find us? Oh and the Sowboys suck!!!!
Thanks for the kind welcome. It does look like I might enjoy this place. I shouldn't be VERY active here, but I'll be around. I am a certified message board addict but I had been on the wagon for a couple years. But I recently got an iPhone and I stumbled upon a fantastic app called "Tapatalk" and of course football was the first search I did on there. I found this place which claims to be uncensored, (we'll see about that.) So, much to my wife's chagrin, I decided to sign up and give it a go. I'm gonna have to re-learn all the HTML I knew, but I'm sure it'll all come back to me in time. I need to have somewhere where I can talk crap to iggles fans since I've recently transplanted to PhilthyDumpia from Dallas and I'm almost SHOCKED at what a total toilet this godforsaken craphole is, and how utterly stupid and unlistenable the sportstalk radio and the morons who call in are. I guess I got spoiled listening to The Ticket in Dallas. They used to laugh and make fun of some of the dumbheck topics that are done on sportstalk radio in other towns, and well, I've been plopped down right in the middle of it here. Topics like "Who is your all-time most hated Cowboy is.) And stupid crap like that. On The Ticket they had a saying. It goes like this.....(We can do what they do, but they can't do what we do.) I understood what they meant at the time, but I had no idea just how right they were. But now that I got an iPhone and a Jupiter Jack, I can listen to The little Ticket at home and in my car. THANK GAWD! Don't even get me started on how stupid and rude the people up here are OMF'nG!!!! I used to think Texas hospitality was a myth......NOPE! I go to the grocery store yesterday to get a few things, and first of all the kid who was cfreaking me out could not possibly have gone any slower and the manager didn't give a crap. Then when I got all my crap in the car I put my cart in the cart return and go to get in my car and leave. Well someone had left a cart in between the parked cars right where I was and a guy comes walking up telling me to move the cart cause he can't get his door open. I told him it wasn't my cart and his dumbass starts saying that he can't get his car door open or some crap, so I told him again it aint my cart dude! But he continues on and starts to get mad. So I yell at him "Its not my cart motherhecker!!" Then I just start the car, crank up the mighty Met and head on my way. I look in my rearview and he's all grabbing his crotch and yelling and flipping me off. Wasn't my cart, he can eat a rod! UNBELIEVABLE!! So anyway, I need a place to vent to some of these idiots, and I've decided to start here. I like to talk football in general as well. Finally, I don't think anyone really knows how good the Cowboys are gonna be this year. Hopefully Jason Garrett can live up to his nickname in Dallas, "Red Jesus" and take us to the promised land. But no doubt Jerra will find a way to ruin it as usual. P.S. Most of my posts will be from iPhone so y'all are just gonna have to tolerate the aweful spelling. I won't be doing any "texting abbreviations" like b4 and crap like that, but if I screw up a word or two here and there, y'all are just gonna have to deal with it. Along with my crapty grammar. I simply don't care. I LOVE YOU!!!!
Probably the longest response to a welcome thread in GIF history....... You know how I know your gay? You just said "I love you" to guys. :icon_cheesygrin: Welcome T2. :icon_cool:
Aren't all Cowboys fans supposedly gay?:icon_redface:<-- That's not an embarrased face.......Mouthful of cum, dunno what to do with it. Been holding breath for a couple mins trying to decide.
Someone is testing the "limits" of the GIF uncensored claim I see. Well there is no limit so you've found your home Twotits. Again welcome aboard. Posted from my BlackBerry using BerryBlab
Well it's freaking finally come...a newbie that can actually type more then "thanx" to his own welcome thread....:sign_welcome:
Ha...pretty much summed up Philadelphia Must be living in the northeast. Welcome...keep up the good work...