Cowboys fans have invaded Giants Stadium for years when their team faced the Giants. With the Cowboys coming to MetLife Stadium on Sunday to face the Jets, Rex Ryan was asked if he expects to see Cowboys fans in the stands according to Brian Costello of the New York Post. "I don't know why they'd be here," the Jets coach said Wednesday. "They're coming into our stadium. It's probably not recommended that you wear Cowboys stuff, I would think." Ryan made the remark off the cuff, but it is not the smartest message to deliver in light of recent fan violence at stadiums in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Just this week, a soccer fan in England was attacked outside Wembley Stadium and died. Source:
Not the best choice of words but that's Rex though. His filter doesn't work he just says what's on his mind and I respect him for that.
Man of someone Gets hurt it sucks. Because there gonna blame. This dude... Sent from my HTC EVO using Tapatalk.
As I've said before, my hatred for this man grows every time he opens his mouth. Just another ignorant statement from an arrogant butthole.
yeah, i actually agree with phigles on this one, rare occasion. Rex is a monster. One of the only coaches with Balls.
You know I'm not one to start violence with fans of another team and I actually enjoy a little drunken crap talking. I find it silly that people actually have to resort to violence because your a fan of a different team. Well, if that ever happens to me I guess at least one of them will be in the hurt locker. Thank god for knowing how to fight, taking steroids, and the brass knuckles i have on me at all times!!:icon_twisted:
I agree and agree with phigs too... I don't think Garrett will be like this but that we got Rob Sent from my HTC EVO using Tapatalk.
Rex please jut shut the heck up and do what is asked of you which is coach!!!!! Shut up already dude its like every time he speaks he has diarrhea of the mouth. I can't stand this pompous butthole anymore!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he don't coach your team, you don't have to listen to him. Don't open the threads to read the articles if you don't like what he has to say, lol.
First off he DOES'T coach your team either and when you're instigating for violence at a game its really ignorant and stupid. He is pretty much telling Jet fans that if they see any cowboys fan with their gear to intimidate them. I think as long as any fan pays for their ticket they should be allowed to cheer and wear whatever team they like without any IDIOTIC coach talking out of their butt. Rex is just a dog that barks but doesn't bite... its only a matter of time before someone gives him a beat down to humble him and shut him up. And there are Cowboys fans in this thread that agree with Rex being an idiot who doesn't think before he speaks
I think you read a little too much into what he said. He didn't recommend anyone act violently. He recommended that if a cowboy fan came they not wear things that might incite violence. He had the cowboy fans safety in mind when he said it I'm 100% sure. See what I did there?
Everyone agrees he's an idiot who doesn't think before he speaks but some of us our enterained by it. It's only a matter of time before someone gives a beat down? GTFO with that bullcrap. The man has confidence in his players and his team. Nothing wrong with that. Sure this wasn't the smartest of statements but it's not like he was encouraging fan on fan violence.
Wanna fight about it?!?!?!?!?!? lol True. At the end of the day it is just a game. I think too many people get worked up over something they have absolutely no say or control over. It is supposed to be entertainment. Not a battle royal.
I just cannot stand Rex Ryan...he's an arrogant butthole. period. Having confidence in your team is fine...really, but you do not have to be an butt about it. :icon_twisted: