2011 GridironFans.com Survival Pool

Discussion in 'Fantasy Football Advice' started by 86WARD, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    You're not getting it. Trust me, it's a huge advantage to be able to wait until the Monday night game to pick.
  2. Steve12

    Steve12 The night is dark and full of terrors

    Yea to be honest it seems like it would be a lot easier to pick from all the games than just 1 or 2.
  3. I acknowledge that I'm out since I wasn't able to make my selection.

    Better luck next year.........
  4. yisman

    yisman The Ambivalent One

    You're not getting it.

    I'll tell you what, let's have a contest. I pick a survivor selection each week, and you wait until Monday night and pick from that game.

    We'll see who does better. Deal?

    Same offer goes to anyone else who thinks it's an advantage to pick from one game rather than 16.
  5. yisman

    yisman The Ambivalent One

    It is.
  6. Steve12

    Steve12 The night is dark and full of terrors


    This is a gauntlet.

    And it's just been thrown down.
  7. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    OK, so I win the MNF game I win? Say 10K in vcash?
  8. yisman

    yisman The Ambivalent One

    It's a week by week contest. We'll do it all season.

    I'm picking one game a week and you're picking the MNF game each week. At the end of the season, we see who has more wins.

    You don't win just by winning the MNF game. You're trying to out-pick me since that's what the argument was about.
  9. Steve12

    Steve12 The night is dark and full of terrors

    Start a thread, ya'll.
  10. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    Uhhhhhh.... no it's a survivor pool. If I lose I'm out but you get to pick from all the other games. Why do you get to pick.....say KC vs NE? When I'm limited to the Monday night match up???

    This is my point.
  11. Steve12

    Steve12 The night is dark and full of terrors

    You're confusing me now mush. You just admitted it's easier to pick from all the games than from just 1. Weren't you arguing the opposite?
  12. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    Read that.
  13. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    He switched it up.
  14. Steve12

    Steve12 The night is dark and full of terrors

    Makes sense to me. You say picking only the MNF game is easier, he says picking one game from all 15 every week is easier. So you both pick using your own method and whoever has the most wins at the end is "right."
  15. yisman

    yisman The Ambivalent One

    I said it's not.

    Then I proposed a matchup to see who lasts longer and you won't do it?
  16. yisman

    yisman The Ambivalent One

    I didn't switch up anything. You said it's an advantage to be able to pick the MNF game, rather than all the games. I said it's not true.

    I proposed a contest between us, and you then said if you win your MNF pick that means you win. That makes no sense. It's a contest between us, not whether you can get one game correct.
  17. Steve12

    Steve12 The night is dark and full of terrors

    Ok at first you said more wins at the end of the season, now you're saying who lasts longer. Which one you gonna do?
  18. yisman

    yisman The Ambivalent One

    No, your point was the other side of the argument.

  19. yisman

    yisman The Ambivalent One

    Oh, I didn't notice that.

    I don't really care. Whatever mush wants to do. It can be a survivor contest or a wins contest.
  20. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    This is harder then describing loan terms to a 70 year old Cuban woman who doesn't speak a lick of English.

    Whatever you want to do to "prove who's right", wanna measure rods too?