The Official Philadelphia Eagles Thread

Discussion in 'Philadelphia Eagles' started by smeags, Aug 27, 2007.

  1. TheDuke

    TheDuke Breast Man

    There is money though, that's the thing. There might not be enough to re-sign him for what he thinks he's worth but with this crapty numbers this season he's not going to get CJ money. And after what CJ's done, no one might ever get CJ money again. I think there's a working deal in place that Desean will get his money. I feel like that's a reason he did come back when he did. Sure he'd of lost a year but I wouldn't be shocked if Andy didn't say "You're our top priority after this season. We needed to sure up our D and you can guarantee we'll be locking you up after this season." Jackson loves Philly and I'd be shocked if he was in a different uniform next season.

    But yes, we need to lock up LeSean as well this offseason.
  2. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    I don't know how much money they have or not, but losing either would be a huge blow. I don't like the thought of them wearing any other uni.
  3. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    Thoughts about this now? I've never seen a more pathetic effort by an Eagles wideout.

    Done with this heck. Franchise his butt and get rid of him in the offseason for a high draft pick.
  4. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    I can not stand watching this team. Asomugha can't even cover Knox on a critical 3rd and long. Asante gets straight abused by Bennett on a corner route. Cutler had all freaking day to throw and Vick got his butt beat yet again (as always, some of the falls on him and some on the o-line).

    No excuse for this crap.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2011
  5. Agent Zero

    Agent Zero I rode the short bus

    Child please... Lucky to get a 4th. And I mean LUCKY. Unless he just breaks out and puts up Moss numbers not a lot of teams will invest a high pick for him.
  6. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Jonathan Joseph >>> Asomugha ???
  7. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    there is - $5,802,618 - but apparently that isnt enough and/or the eagles have decided not to even offer that much. doesnt matter at this point though as the deadline to sign guys and have the number count against this years cap has passed. but banner always rolls that left over money so we'll see.
  8. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    no pressure again up the middle from the d-line. when that happens the de's dont get on the qb and the qb has time to go through his reads. i saw WAY too much of the wide nine again on running downs as well. right back to the crap that has lost games for the team before.

    dont worry though, juan castillo is firey and andy says they'll work to get better at this. :banghead::banghead:
  9. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    Vick is having a miserable year throwing the football, and I have hardly given him any crap for it. Same with other people. Maybe a little heat here and there, but I and others have been putting most of it on the o-line which is bullcrap.

    Another thing... why is it that DeSean gets so many free passes from everyone? He hasn't done crap this year. Hardly any production. I'm tired of the whole 'defenses sway coverage his way so he can't make big plays'. That's fine. He needs to be getting open underneath. He needs to be putting effort in to go and make plays. Guess what, Calvin Johnson has coverages swayed his way. Every top WR does. But they are still making plays.
  10. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    From smeags in another thread...

    I really hate that word 'talent', especially right now, but I gotta assume that if we were somehow able to nix Mornhinweg and Castillo and get some real freaking coordinators in here (one on offense that wouldn't abandon the run without even realizing it especially with a talent like McCoy, and one on defense that has some freaking experience in the NFL calling defense) and had a full offseason to get crap straight, we could be very good.

    Hell, if four of our games ended after 3 quarters, we'd be 7-1.

    The crapty part is it isn't one person. There are different goats that manage to heck up every game. Always one or two crucial plays that define the losses.

    Henery, Maclin against the Niners.
    Parker against the Bills.
    DeSean against the Bears.

    So many other people to blame in all of these games, but huge glaring mistakes kill us.

    LB will have to be a priority this offseason, whether Andy wants it to be or not. You go draft a big LB in the first or second, bring in a quality FA to at least push and compete, and get the right coordinator in here to install a proper defense to play to the strengths of these players, and there is no way you don't see results. The players are there along the d-line and obviously in the secondary.

    On offense? Get a #1 WR. We have a great #2 in Maclin but dogcrap for our #1. If this team pays this cocksucker, I will be livid. WRs all over the place in this draft. Go LB-WR or WR-LB in the 1st and 2nd round. Celek is nothing to get excited about but is good enough. A whole offseason and another year of conintuity along the line with Peters-Mathis-Kelce-Watkins-Herremans should reap some excellent rewards. And maybe someday Vick will figure out how to find the freaking hot read on a consistent basis like he did in Dallas two weeks ago so he doesn't get destroyed every game.

    Special teams? Keep helping Chas learn how to throw the freaking football and everything else will fall into place.
  11. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    And heck it, start Steve Smith next week opposite Maclin. Hell, even AVANT! I'll gladly take five 10-yard catches over 2 8 yard catches.
  12. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    agreed on all points except on 1- celek - IMO he's a top TE. he's been held back because its been nessacary for him to help block. 2- maclin and everyone else benefit from jackson. sign him if he's being reasonable. if not move on.
  13. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    Celek has stone hands at times and has brain farts too often for me to call him a top TE. I like his skillset, but I don't put him up there.

    We would benefit just as much from ANY #1 WR that commanded attention. Justin Blackmon, Alshon Jeffrey, Juron Criner, Ryan Broyles... list goes on. We are getting ZERO production from one of our most important positions on the field. Get his butt outta here.
  14. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    celek had one stretch last year when he dropped balls, other then that he's been fine overall. considering the amount of talent other then himself on the offense and the lousy oline play his numbers are pretty damn good.

    zero production from jackson? huh ? he is on pace to have over 1,000 yards and 60plus catches this season. while having maclin, celek, avant & mccoy taking away looks. did you expect him to keep averaging 22.5yrds a catch forever ? the defenses put a saftey 25yrds deep every play for one reason - him. it's taken away the big play but its also opened things for maclin.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  15. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    Thoughts on Giants game...

    -OL provided outstanding pass protection. Running game never really got going, but glad coaches stuck with it.

    -Shady busted the 60 yarder to go over 100 again. Baller.

    -Defensive line destroyed the Giants' OL. Outstanding work by that group. That is how this group should be playing every week. Jenkins was particularly good.

    -Coverage in the secondary had to have been outstanding as well in order for the DL to get that many hits and pressures on Manning. Great job.

    -Brian Rolle is playing damn good football right now.

    -Nice pick by Chaney. Hid from Manning until he saw him bring the ball back.

    -DeSean... why the heck was Vince Young able to find him so often and frequent and Vick has struggled all damn year with it? I've been calling DeSean a decoy all year and that is all that he is good for, but maybe it's on Vick. I don't know. DeSean gets about 140 yards last night if he doesn't act like a snitch...

    -DeSean's boneheaded play with the penalty just shows what a rod he is. Last night made it hard for me to picture the squad without him, but that kinda crap is uncalled for and inexcusable.

    -Vince wasn't particularly good, but he looked just as good as Vick has looked in most of the starts this year. See what happens when a QB doesn't dance around like a freaking monkey every play? Young had a nice clean pocket almost every pass play.

    I'm hesitant to get excited about this win because as good as this team looked, they could be equally as crapty next week.
  16. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    the giants offense played right into the eagles defense as they can not run the ball worth a crap right now.

    desean while acting like a complete dipcrap on that taunting penalty is a big piece of this offense and the the team needs to get him re-signed asap after the season ends and stop playing the power trip bullcrap the front office does when a player doesn't drop to their knees and sign the offer sheet the teams extends.
  17. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    How did Hanson do against the slot guys? Couldn't have done any worse than DRC, right?

    If Vick is the QB of this team and can't find DeSean except for deep bombs which are now taken away, he's irrelevant. He was running different routes than he has all season, yet Young was able to get him in the game. I don't get it.
  18. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    i think vick's flaws showed last night. although was jackson running some of the routes that maclin would've been running ? maybe it's more of the playcalling ?

    team is so damn frustrating.
  19. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    well, i'm done defending desean jackson after yesterday. he totally soldout this team worrying more about himself.
  20. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    And the worst part? He isn't even trying to hide it. He fully acknowledges he is playing like a snitch.