The Official Philadelphia Eagles Thread

Discussion in 'Philadelphia Eagles' started by smeags, Aug 27, 2007.

  1. TheDuke

    TheDuke Breast Man

    Franchise Jackson, trade him for a higher draft pick, draft Lloyd and sign a LB. If we can play that game I won't care about the rest of the off season.
  2. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    trade desean for a 2nd rounder and be done with it. sign vincent jackson and change the philosophy a bit offensively. if that can be done i think you guys are right in saying the offense won't miss a beat plus he shopuld do wonders for the redzone.
  3. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe Life to Infidels

    Bockers is probobly going to wind up close to top 5
  4. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    mocks are just that, mocks but i have only seen one where brocker broke the top ten. if the eagles can trade desean for a 2nd they could then use one of the three 2's they have to move up and get him. personally i don't see a need to draft another WR this year in the 1st round. there are good options on the market. the eagles need some nastiness on the defense and i may be wrong but brockers seems to have a mean streak.
  5. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe Life to Infidels

    I really think Poe would be a great fit. Bockers is very similar to Jenkins, Poe is a very althletic 350 pounder.

    Bockers is the better prospect, but I think Poe would piece the line together better IMO
  6. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    does poe eat 3rd world children for breakfast ? if not i want no parts of him.
  7. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe Life to Infidels

    .....lunch and dinner too

    A decent comparison is Shaun Rogers, without the motor issues, but not quite as athletic
  8. smeags

    smeags militant geek


    do the eagles get shady mccoy extended ASAP to avoid any issues and if not does he hold out ?
  9. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    definitly get mccoy extended should be top priority dont really care to much for jackson
  10. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    cullen jenkins restructured his contract.
  11. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe Life to Infidels

    I didnt see that you guys got Bowles. As a Cowboys fan Im definatly not a fan of that move.

    However, I think its gonna be a one and done unless he gets offered the HC job. He is on alot of peoples radar as a HC candidate
  12. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    Yes. This could be good or bad though.

    He just came off an excellent year. He will come spendy. But this is the first big time season. I can't remember if he has one more year or two on his rookie contract. If he has two years, we might get a little discount if we give him a chunky signing bonus.

    Either way, it doesn't matter. He needs to be locked up for the exact reason you said. We don't need This to be a distraction. Dude is the best player on this entire team. Lock him up for five more.
  13. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    this is the final year of his rookie deal. they HAVE to get him extended. RB is the worst position to have a holdout in. i cant remember a RB that held out and had a good year. get him signed ASAP.

    @jj - when duke asked me for a name of a guy i'd like in reid's place there were a couple guys i had thought about but couldnt remember the names. bowles was one of them. i am of the thought that if reid doesnt do it this season the eagles will move on and bowles would be a great move as a HC. for now though it's simply a great move as he should help out with the DB's.
  14. TheDuke

    TheDuke Breast Man

    A) McCoy deal needs to get done. Without him in this offense we're in a bit of a pickle. Maclin and another decent WR(if not DJ) aren't NEARLY as dangerous without Shady in the backfield.

    B) I might actually be okay with Bowles taking over as the HC but I still would much rather have Andy.
  15. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe Life to Infidels

    Something to think about with Bowles. Now he is a 3-4 guy (which I wouldnt be too worried about if I was an Eagles fan), but as an assistant he has learned from Bill Parcells, Mike Zimmer (altho Zim is a 4-3 guy) Wade Phillips, and Mike Nolan

    Thats alot of defensive knowledge to be around
  16. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    could the eagles be working on a deal to move up for RG III ? he had a private workout with the eagles last week. i shrugged this off when i first heard it but hey, maybe there could be something to it.

    tag and trade desean along with the #15 #45 and next year's 1st round pick for the #2 pick of the draft "could" possibly get it done.

    would be interesting.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2012
  17. TheDuke

    TheDuke Breast Man

    RG3 isn't going to be an Eagle. He had private work outs with like 8 teams and met with 12 in total. I'm more interested in the Plax situation and see where that goes.
  18. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    oh my bad, i didnt realize there was little chance of it actually happen and that the topic was nothing more then just a fun scenerio to discuss. :icon_cool:
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2012
  19. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    I'd be a little excited about it at the time, but blatantly ignoring our other critical needs would supremely puss me off.

    If we had a new coach this year, I could see that potentially happening. But with Reid given one more year, he can't take a gamble like that and not address linebacker/defensive tackle/wide receiver.
  20. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    yeah i agree, fun to think about but the team has more pressing needs to address and the eagles do not like parting ways with draft choices. although they wouls still have a good 2nd rounder this year and two three's to get a DT if they go FA for a MLB.

    it's pipedream scenerio but that's part of the fun leading up to FA and the draft.