[MENTION=3843]Tim Tebow[/MENTION] :sign_welcome: to Gridironfans.com! You'll find there are team fans here to make you feel at home! Inquiring minds want to know how you found us? Please feel free to use this thread to ask any questions you may have about GIF...and NO...this isn't an automated response! Again, welcome and have a blast posting and getting to know the rest of the members. We look forward to your participation here at Gridironfans!!!
Well, thanks a lot for the warm welcome. As I'm sure you know, I read a lot about the game of football. I came across this site while searching for some tips on how to play the game. I used Google to find opinions about what gridiron fans thought I could do to improve my forward pbutt. I read some of the comments and thought WWJD? Then I remembered Luke 10:27 and decided that I would love my neighbor as I do myself. It's great to be welcomed.
Tim Tebow, can you tell me, will you ask Denver to remove you if Peyton Manning signs with the Broncos so you can pursue a starting job elsewhere? LOL. Welcome to GIF.
I like you too Saintsfan. Dagron, of course I won't want to leave. I really think Peyton is a quality addition to our team. I'm all about the team.
Hi, Crowned. I could never do like that. I only promote wholesomeness and qualities that make people become closer to Jesus. I'll pray for you though.
Thanks again for the welcome, Sweets. I do have a question for anyone that can help. I once watched this show on Discovery channel about female prostitutes in Europe. It was something about "The Red Light". I see something flashing at the top of the website that is red and is trying to notify me of something. I just want to make sure that isn't some kind of beacon for me to follow into the path of sin. How do I make it stop?
Lol as for the adds, it's up to google I believe. It pays the bills around here unless someone donates a lot of money.
I don't think that it's an add. It is the same thing flashing 'Your Notifications: 2', but the number 2 is in red, and it's the same no matter where I go on the web page. Thanks, mj1978