No one that will come right in and star. Barkley, Wilson will both be first rounders, and with a year on the bench will be good QBs. Gleenon is starting to get a lot of first round love too Not say we will go that route, but drafting a QB in the first this year would not be foolish at all, and in my gut, I see it happening Sent from my HTC Vivid
Actually that is all bull the guy was the winniest QB in college. And was winning in Cleveland. Until the regime change. To say he can't win is not true he has only played one yr in the pros. His stature his arm is on par with Drew Brees. Who many people said the same things about him when he came out of college. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Vince young? he's from texas and needs the cash! nothing badly wrong with romo,he just needs to stop throwing passes when he should'nt and he needs to throw the ball to other players not named bryant or witten once in awhile.
McCoy couldn't win the QB job in Cleveland. That tells me all I need to know about him. No, no, a thousand times no.
Th era of grooming is a ghost from the past. Young QBs are taught by throwing them to the wolves. That's why there's so many corpses on the side of the road. It's a shame cuz it burns up a lot of young talent but it's the way of the NFL world nowadays...
Yea "grooming" is very rare now. The packers did it with Rodgers, I think the Patriots are doing it with Mallett so he can take over for Brady. Is there really any other starter in the league that was allowed to sit and watch? Or any young guy that is sitting now and is viewed as his teams next starter? Pretty much everyone is just thrown to the wolves.
Yea, the Pack was lucky due to the strength of Favre & the Pats are lucky that Brady is resilient. Problem is also getting a young QB who might be a good position to be groomed to stay positive in the meantime & not want to go somewhere else cuz he's been watching other young guys getting chances.
& I think we all do... Back track thru time & you can find quite a few QBs that needed a few years to 'get it right' & did cuz no one put them 'on the clock' when it came to success. Eli Manning comes to mind where they didn't give up on him but it took him quite some time before he became a clutch QB. Of course having the Manning pedigree didn't hurt none. :icon_smile:
Dude to the money these guys are making,no owner is gonna draft any player and let him sit on the bench and learn a few years,much less,a qb! jimmy johnson did that with aikman,when he would play badly or get hurt,he'd put steve walsh or steve beuerlin in,and also bernie kosar a few years. I think that jerry jones is the cowboys worst problem cause he thinks he is a great judge of talent,when he is'nt! things would be better for the cowboys if he actually hired somebody who knows how to run an nfl team,the cowboys would be a lot better!
You wont hear a complaint out of me about his judge of talent. Seems all they draft lately are Glass Joes or underachievers.