Eagles WR Riley Cooper's Appearance Draws No Backlash

Discussion in 'Philadelphia Eagles' started by SRW, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    Riley Cooper started Friday night's preseason opener against the New England Patriots nine days after video surfaced of the wide receiver yelling a racial slur at a June concert.

    This was Cooper's first time in front of a big crowd - he was on his four-day absence when the team held an open practice at the stadium Monday - and there were no noticeable signs of disapproval from the crowd or the opposing team.

    Cooper appeared to be a significant part of the offense, playing the outside receiver spot with the first-team offense.

    Source: The Redzone
  2. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    It's on the road that he will hear stuff from the crowd.
  3. Dougerrrr

    Dougerrrr Laus Deo

    Dawk?? On the road?? We're talking Philly here right?? They still boo Santa in the city of brotherly love?
  4. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    They boo Santa...but not dropping the N bomb.
  5. Dougerrrr

    Dougerrrr Laus Deo

    Saw a interesting NFL Meme about A racist, a murderer and a preacher walk into a bar.....
  6. Steve12

    Steve12 The night is dark and full of terrors

    Yea that was posted here a few days ago lol
  7. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Philadelphia loves racists. They not only boo Santa Claus because he's "different," but they put bounties on Mexicans, they boo the drafting of a black QB, they cheered when a black player injured his neck...the snowballs they threw...targeted for the blacks.
  8. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    Bravo, sir. That made me laff.
  9. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    They are having gary heidnick day vs the redskins