The New England Patriots decided to part ways with reserve quarterback Tim Tebow on Saturday. The news was first reported by ESPN's Adam Schefter. There was some speculation all offseason that Tebow would get a chance to work in at tight end after he caught some passes in early training camp practices. However, it became clear that Tebow would be a quarterback only if kept after coach Bill Beliechick ruled out the notion of a position switch. The move could signal the end of Tebow's NFL career. Source: National Football Post
Someone will probably pick him up. A QB he really isn't, but the guy's an athlete who has shown he can take a hit. Who knows?
It would be funny as hell to see Tebow go back to the Jets AND start over Smith/Sanchez. Won't happen but the irony of that would be awesome.
Idk seems like u guys have been smited since after 2004 when u couldent cheat anymore 2 superbowl loses to the same team. With one being after a 16-0 season god just stood there and pulled a you shall not pass on you guys lol proof enough for me.
wasent comparing just saying going from cheating to win 3 superbowls to some bad luck. Im just heckin with you anyway I respect freedom of religion .......and I know god doesent have anything to do with football outcomes lol.