If we're talking UFC fights, I'd like to see Justin Beiber do the halftime show. Like... Beiber vs. Jon Jones. Now that's a true headliner.
Woah...ya think so??? I always think of you as the craziest mofo on the board. Imagine the two of us hanging out together?? Somebody call the Zany Police!!!!
Got to be one of the gheyest things said in this thread I say halftime should be a battle of he bands with volbeat and rob zombie
I've been reading [MENTION=536]DawkinsINT[/MENTION] posts today, and I'm just getting the impression that he did some drugs or something. lol. He's been firing crazy crap left and right all day.
I haven't done any drugs in years. I have a nice beer buzz going on right now though. A few times tonight I almost said a few things that were really mean and really weird, but I held back as the good person that I am.
There is a 2006 Dawkins inside of all of us if we channel it correctly. It's recognizing our true connection with nature and the universe.
Haha...she's here, but doing her software development thing for work in the home office. The boys are playing Xbox or on their laptops, so it leaves me here alone in the living room watching the Phillies while having a brew or 15.
I never watch the halftime crap anyways,just play the game!! If they really want to do something cool,they should line up the cheerleaders and see who can do the most backflips after downing a six-pack of Miller.
Not ghey at all. Dude did some of the most amazing covers I've ever seen, was funny as crap with the crowd and is incredibly freaking talented. I'll take it over Madonna or Fleetwood Mac or some crap.
I am so out of touch with music nowadays. I have no idea who that is. But seeing that pic makes me glad I don't know him/her.
For those saying who cares about the Halftime show, well I do. In England, it's about 2am when that momentum drainer kicks the crap out of a football games. And the choices we have at that time here is watch an abortion of a performance that ruins said game, turn over to some crapty roulette game where insomniacs go and blow their life savings all night long or say heck it and go to sleep. The NFL keep hiring either over the hill guys that were once 40 years ago when it was socially acceptable to be messed up on LSD 24/7 (The Who, Stones), crapty current stock who are brutal (Black Eyed Peas, seriously...how can you have a show where WILL.I.AM IS THE BEST FREAKING SINGER) or a combined effort (Madonna). Last year was Beyonce, and between the choices of that or putting my soaked hands in a power socket, the latter probably would have been a more enjoyable experience for myself and everyone else around me. So now they choose Bruno Mars, a guy that is so fruity that even Elton John is probably thinking "Jeez, he needs to dial it down a little". At a freaking championship game of a testosterone fuelled sport, they are going to get a guy at halftime to sing how he wishes he bought some snitch a bunch of flowers and catch a grenade for said snitch. If I caught a grenade, I'd throw it at the tit who booked this clown. Screw.
Where's Metallica? Coldplay? Never even heard of Bruno Mars. Hetfield and Hammet's guitar only national anthem was a lot better than this show will probably be lol.