In his debut appearance on ESPN’s “Sunday NFL Countdown,†Ray Lewis told fellow panelists Tom Jackson, Cris Carter and Keyshawn Johnson that changing the people around him saved his career, and that the Ravens organization trusted him enough to stand by him. “They didn’t need to do a background check on me coming out of college. I was clean," Lewis said. “But I think the biggest phone call I received, after my mom’s phone call, after I went through that, was from Art Modell, and may he definitely rest in peace now. But that shows you the connection that I had with my organization, that they knew who I was as a man. They had been with me for five years at that point in my career." Lewis was charged with the murder of two men in Atlanta the night after the 2000 Super Bowl; he ended up pleading guilty to obstruction of justice and testifying against two other defendants who were with him that night. He played 12 more seasons and retired after the Ravens won last February’s Super Bowl. Until Sunday, Lewis had not spoken on the record about the most prominent NFL player to be involved in a murder case since his own involvement early in his career. “The things I want to make sure we clear up, and I keep telling us, because we’re athletes, and I understand where everybody’s trying to go," Lewis said Sunday. “But before we’re athletes, we’re human beings. And the bottom line of that (is), we will find a way, as human beings, to make a mistake somewhere down the road. “The biggest thing that I had to change … was, I had to change the people that I was around ... because the people around me wasn’t thinking like I was thinking, they weren’t training like I was training, they weren’t doing the things that would take me where I needed to be. They were actually making me regress and go backward. “You know what? My change only really came when I found myself in that situation, absolutely. Because my heart—what happens with people like us, your heart steps in the way most of the time, and you always want to help where you came from, but you can’t help them." Source: Sporting News
What a great friend and fine gentleman... he turned on his two buddies and 13 years later he still throws them under the bus.
did'nt he have to pay a big settlement to the two guys who were killed? if he did not do it,he had to know more about it than he ever told anybody.
i'm surprised they added him to that show. enough people already hate Keyshawn, Carter, and Berman. Are they purposely just making sure that there are unlikeable personalities on that show?
Maybe to start the show they'll eventually have Ray come out from behind the set and do that pre-game dance he did in Baltimore.
All they need are some insider reports from rae curruth and oj on what hernandez should expect in jail.
Latest news is hernandez went into jail a tight end,but will leave or die a "wide receiver".:icon_cheesygrin: