The Chicago Bears aren't ruling out an early return for injured quarterback Jay Cutler. Expected to miss at least four weeks because of a torn groin muscle, Cutler hopes to be back sooner. "That's the goal," he said. "It could happen faster," Trestman said. "Jay's optimistic; we all are. But I'm not saying we're not bringing Jay back for four weeks. That's what the doctors have said and we'll work off that timeline. If it happens quicker, that would be great." Source: DaBears22's Take: Great news for the Bears if indeed he does get back on the field in the next couple of weeks. Cutler is the franchise qb (at the moment) and no knock on McCown or Palmer but Cutler gives the Bears the best chance to win. They need him back badly. Question is will they get good Jay or bad Jay?
Brandon Marshall said Jay would be back in 2 weeks, right after the injury. Everyone laughed at him but obviously he knew something no one else did.
Cutler and Marshall are good friends and I believe Marshall filled in for Cutler today on his radio show so yeah it's highly likely that Marshall had some inside scoop on Cutler's injury and return date.
It was yesterday but yea he filled in. I listened to it on my way home from work. He said again that he expects Cutler back for the Lions game, and he's not ruling out the Packers game.
I'm not trying to play doctor here but a muscle tear in the groin sounds bad to me. If Cutler is back for the Lions game, that would be great news indeed.