Xenforo - Suggestion Box

Discussion in 'GridironFans Support' started by 86WARD, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    That box doesn't work on iPhone and iPad but I can type out the code. Which gets the job done. So we all win.
    86WARD likes this.
  2. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member


    Not trying to nag but the "stuff" thread I can see and read but can't post in it.

    Says I don't have sufficient permissions
  3. LebaneseFF

    LebaneseFF Error loading Staff Member Premium Member Fantasy Guru

    Your user permissions are fine, I just locked the thread to avoid repeating the subject all over.
  4. LebaneseFF

    LebaneseFF Error loading Staff Member Premium Member Fantasy Guru

    I just tried it on my Ipad. It doesn't work when your in the quick reply mode. (But if you actually go to the full reply page (if that makes sense) then you the link works) not sure why)
  5. Kurt

    Kurt That Server Guy Staff Member Fantasy Guru

    I'll report this as a bug, it might already be fixed.. I'm about to upgrade to 1.2.?????? later tonight or today.
  6. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    Cool beans
  7. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    Are we using rss feeds?? please say no
  8. Kurt

    Kurt That Server Guy Staff Member Fantasy Guru

    only for the team categories, and it will not show up in "new post" - first few might have...

    I asked the "staff" about this and they seemed to like the idea..

    I'd love to hear your rebuttal as I don't have to do this.. just thought it would create a great news feed for teams..
  9. Steve12

    Steve12 The night is dark and full of terrors

    I've noticed that the @ mentions aren't working.

    Also seems like there's not that much traffic. Anyone else think this?
  10. markaz

    markaz Resident Cards Fan Staff Member

    The only thing the @mentions seems to do is create a link to that person's profile. But in terms of notifying the member (like showing up in the member's Alerts), that they have been mentioned in a post, I agree that it doesn't serve that function any longer. And I would agree that there does seem to be a core number of members online. But I have noticed a few more members that haven't been around awhile showing up.

    One other thing (I may have missed it being discussed elsewhere), does Xenefro have the capability of PM's? I can do without the IM, but PM's were more than a handy tool in vBulletin.
    DaBears22 and 86WARD like this.
  11. DaBears22

    DaBears22 Matt Forte = future MVP Staff Member

    When I sign in on the forums with my phone I don't see a new posts link to click on. I have a Blackberry. I can click on watched threads and all the individual forums but don't have a new posts option. When I view the forum without signing in, I can see the recent posts option to click on.
  12. DaBears22

    DaBears22 Matt Forte = future MVP Staff Member

    I think the pm function is now called conversations. I could be wrong though.
  13. ragman

    ragman Pro Bowler Fantasy Guru

    You are correct. The PMs are now called Conversations.
  14. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    You can't delete them...that sucks.
  15. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    It's Xmas week
  16. markaz

    markaz Resident Cards Fan Staff Member

  17. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I tried and it wouldn't delete...there wasn't an option for it...but I didn't look to deep into it either.
  18. markaz

    markaz Resident Cards Fan Staff Member

    Same. You having access to admin tools, have you come across an option that allows users to select how posts appear in a thread? i.e., an option to have the last post appear first when the thread is opened vs. posts appearing in chronological order only.
  19. Tarkus

    Tarkus The Thread Stalker

    Then again, apparently not...
  20. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I haven't really looked...