So who's going to watch this tonight on Fox? 24 was one of my favorites shows and I'm glad it's coming back after 4 years. From what I read of the plot it sounds like any one of the previous 8 seasons but who cares, Jack Bauer is back.
I am, but it premiers tomorrow night in my side of the border. Hopefully I'll be able to watch it online tonight...
Got a torrenIMEAN...I managed to watch it online. I hate Chloe's new emo look. Jack's first line came half way through the first hour. It was awesome...I really missed 24.
It may be the chick that tracked jack down last night,but my money is on audrey's super douche husband cause he is an asshole in every thing else he plays in.
he makes too much sense which leads me to believe it isnt him. overall though this is a tired played out plot line for this show. every damn season there's a mole in whats supposed to be the most secured gov. dept there is.
That's been my major can't possibly have that many But if I were betting, I'd put my money on Audrey or the black guy...not because he's black though. It would actually be refreshing if there wasn't a mole...
By the way...who's the actress that played the bad guy's hooker/girlfriend/double agent that I just KNEW would kill him in an hour or two?
Jack is back people. By far my favorite TV show of ALL TIME. I just love it. and I say a big F.U to those who call it repetitive. It may be, but when you repeat something that is amazing it never get's old My favorite moment. “Look, I can tell you consider yourself a pretty intimidating group. You probably think I’m at a disadvantage; I promise you I’m not. Give me Derek Yates, I give you the opportunity to walk out of here without being harmed. I suggest you take it.” That was ducking awesome
As for the mole. I would be awesome if they could spin this day without a mole. I have my doubts as they already mentioned a CIA operative selling secrets to the Chinese. The blonde's husband. As for the rest of the plot. So far so good