So its a little early yet but what the hell. We, of course, have to start a GIF/Knuckleheads league now that we are all under one umbrella so lets start getting it all in order. If you want in, sign up here, first come first served. State any preferences you have regarding scoring, number of teams, host site, etc, for the commissioner to review and likely disregard entirely. Good times! IN: walnuts
In. Prefer 12 team league...standard scoring with some bonus points. QB, 2rB, 2 WR, TE, K, D. 6-7 bench players.
The existing money league is a whole other separate thing, we'll deal with all that later. This is for a new league, hopefully with a good mix of GIF and FK for members.
Yeah sorry I got too many leagues to be playing a free league. I won't give it the attention it deserves.
Well, we do have a money league going as well...I'd expect we'll have some holes to fill having lost members in the switch, so there should be open spots there if you want to join. I was just thinking fun for this one, at least at first.
Is that FKH auction league going to happen again? I need to figure out how to make my team finish a season. Started 4-1 finished 1-7